Over the years I've seen bits and pieces while channel surfing. But I always thought Field Of Dreams was a stupid idea for a movie so never watched it beginning to end. Today I caught the last 15 minutes and bawled like a baby. I blame the Parkinson's effect on my brain. So one more sign of the mental deterioration caused by PD. Similar to gambling or sex addiction? No sign of these so far.
Is this heaven? : Over the years I've seen... - Cure Parkinson's
Is this heaven?

I’ve noticed hubby gets emotional occasionally over sentimental stuff which isn’t normal for him. He is normally pretty stunted emotionally. I think a good cry is helpful for stress relief. So if you can, have a good old sob and you might feel better for it!
Well I can't blame PD but the film is worth watching right through and makes me howl too. I've found my emotional response varies hugely - years of high stress and pain made me 'emotionally labile' according to orthopedic consultant, not that he had any idea how to help, and since sorting diet (anti-inflammatory autoimmune) and getting vitamins and minerals closer to optimal, hormones and blood sugar under control, gut a bit happier etc I am far more balanced. Or I was, prior to lockdown - now I'm often a blubbering mess again. I do some EFT and it often makes me weep, but I think that could be doing me good.
Well I am slightly overmedicated when my brain is swimming in dopamine I find myself more emotional and more musical.
I was at work several years ago in my third year post diagnosis and I had obviously overmedicated, and when my coworker told me she was leaving for another job I cried for about an hour throughout our staff meeting!
Everybody wondered ….
Of course I would miss her … she was my receptionist for years but… tears ?really?
it was rather embarrassing!
Is this heaven......no, its Iowa! I grew up in Iowa and we just love this. I am the one with Parkinson's, not my husband. My husband does not have an emotional bone in his body. Never cries or show emotion over ANYTHING. But, he does get teary eyed over this movie. So, it may not be the PD, or it may be that the movie is worth crying over. Enjoy the cry❤️.