PWP are continuously making decisions, on a daily basis, about what to eat, how much to exercise, which pharmaceuticals to take, whether or not to be vaccinated for Covid, employment, familiar relationships, etc. and accurate self-assessment determines our quality of life.
For example, perceiving (our) PD to be worse than it really is would have a significant, detrimental effect on the quality of our life. On the other hand, being a Pollyanna isn't helpful either.
I suspect most of us wish we were more motivated to exercise and more disciplined about our diet and lifestyle choices. Certainly, I do. We know that if we exercised harder and didn't so often excuse ourselves for our food choices, we'd be better off.
If only there were supplements for motivation, discipline and objectivity. It takes work and skill to be objective.
Inflammation is the enemy, but so is arrogance.
A new version published last week of my favorite and most enjoyable study -- The Dunning Kruger effect as per Frontiers in Psychology.