Amy Lindberg brought this to my attention... - Cure Parkinson's
Amy Lindberg brought this to my attention describing it as the mother load on FUS. Indeed. List all the trials and treatment sites.

This is great! I am still baffled as to why Pallidothalamic Tractotomy (PTT) is not more widely studied and/or available. It seems to be able to treat a much broader array of symptoms, while the other forms of Focused Ultrasound seem geared toward addressing only one symptom (tremor or dyskinesia), depending upon which type is used.
1000% agreed Jim! the more i read the more I can not understand Why FUS PTT is not being studied in the US as it appears so promising.Why does not "carry the ball" On this???????
It's a safer and better procedure because you only need a 4-5 mm lesion to completely destroy the PTT but when I was there for my last surgery I learned if it is done poorly it is way more dangerous as an important cognitive center is right next door. Sonimodul does two a week but if you start trying to do many a day with inexperienced surgeons you could be in for disaster . Maybe why more surgeons don't want to take it on.
"Focused ultrasound is an early-stage,. . ."
Also, Summary of Workshop "Patient Selectionl Patients with early/mild disease (around 3 years post-diagnosis) without neurodegeneration.
So hurry!! Not good.
I’ve had Parkinson’s for 20 years and it worked wonderfully for me.
I know as you have said before that you have had PD for 20 years. Why do they include duration of PD as a criterion?
For PTT they do not beyond that you have to have non medication responsive disease for at least a year.
Can you have FUS if you have had DBS?
Hi Trixiedee
For how long will the efficacy of FUS last? Is the procedure reversible? Does FUS affect on brain’s executive functions?
Any improvements on non motor symptoms?
Nobody knows how long it will last as it hasn’t been practiced for more than about 7 years. However I have a friend who had a thalmalotomy surgically about 30 years ago and the effects are still there. So I believe it’s permanent. It doesn’t improve or worsen executive functioning as far as I know. Not in my case anyway.
The main non motor symptom that improved with me was anxiety and vertigo that was caused by Sinemet. I’m still taking Sinemet but with no side effects.