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Wearing off period: What symptoms does... - Cure Parkinson's
Wearing off period

Hard breathing. That's the 1st time I've seen this terminology used here. And yet, I experience it as a symptom. Short, but rapid breaths as part of off time for your meds or something has just caused some anxiety. Either way, I hate it. Does anyone know how to address this?
My HWP has this. He describes it as panting. We have just been to see the 3rd doctor to look for other underlying medical issues (via chest X-ray, echo cardiogram, ENT exam, etc.), but there seem to be none. This will be another example of a Parkinson’s symptom by elimination. I would also be interested in any others’ experiences.
Hard breathing is a sign (from your autonomous system) that levodopa is too much. You have to spend a period off to clean up body (and brain). I usually do a wash out of 9 to 12 hours having only water with magnesium, potassium and 16/20 gr of sodium ascorbate plus 600 mg glutatione IM. Not nice but necessary. As a general rule every worsening of the autonomous system response (sleep, breathing, body temperature regulation, sweating etc) is due to too much levodopa whose some metabolites are toxic and some last in the body much longer than levodopa itself.
During the wash out some conditions may improve like mobility (after a down of 1 or 2 hours), less muscular pain, more energy, normal breathing, while others get worst like no way to sleep, bad feeling while laying down on the bed, high blood pressure increasing with time
I think it’s lack of dopamine. It’s scary and I reckon it will kill me in the end! I think the diaphragm can’t work properly with inadequate dopamine, and then the panic makes it all much worse.