Hello warriors, I have two questions.. W... - Cure Parkinson's
Hello warriors, I have two questions.. Who is the oldest Pwp person here and how did cope with PD??How many of you still working Thanks??

17 yrs diagnosed at age 46
Retired 6 yrs ago in 2014
Rock Steady Boxing 🥊 helped for sure. Member since 2007, 14 yrs.
Also, taking meds early to keep me moving and trying to stay positive.
What would I have done differently? Better nutrition.
Working for 11 years is pretty good going!
Did you retire because you could (e.g. sufficient retirement funds) and you wanted to minimize stress? Or did you find that you could no longer perform your job?
(Thanks. I’m 46. 2-3 years into this!)
I retired because I had trouble concentrating, had quite a bit of stress on my job and had trouble thinking things through. It really helped me to retire. I could concentrate on how to take care of me. So make sure you have your finances in order just in case. I was 57 when I retired so it was early. I didn't think I could afford it but I talked to a financial advisor and he was able to work out a plan.
Keep fighting!
I was diagnosed at the age of 41. Doctor told me I looked to good for a person having it for 16 years. Then last visit he made a comment that going on the meds early coupled with young inset helped delay the downturn.
What a fantastic question! I loved reading the answers everyone provided. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago, but had symptoms 6 years ago. So how do you count that? I still work part time in my own business. Sadly, I am in process of changing neurologist’s because mine is going to do research. I also go to the gym three times a week to do water aerobics and, occasionally, ride my stationary bike. Doing OK so far! I am so thankful for this group! Wishing everyone a peaceful day...
Only 11 years for me. Many bright people here with excellent commentary. I believe the biggest problem is finding the right Dr and finding the right cocktail that works for you.
Never count the days-make the days count. M. Ali
Isthistheone, well said. We do need a drug cocktail for the right response and the sooner the better.
However, most MDS doctors don't have the patience to introduce that immediately because of the exhaustive and intense effort required to tailor it properly for each individual patient. It took my MDS three years to finally agree to work on a complex cocktail from me. We are still tweaking it.
68 and still working.
71 , retired for non medical reasons, corporate downsizing in 2002.
Started to build a new lake house. PD Diagnosed 2013 . Broke shoulder blade in 2013.
Bypass surgery 2014, still building house & cutting lots of fire wood, still in honeymoon with PD by using C/L and lots of exercise and supplements.
Keep the mind as active as possible too...
Age 80, PD 4 years. Still full time Registered Invetment Advisor. Keep moving, walking, eat lots of fruit, veggies, Cheerios, oatmeal, late bkfst and ice cream. On 145 Rytary, Mucuna Pruriens 350mg caps, B-1, Green tea ex caps, CBD at nite, 3.5 LDN, L-Serine and other supplements here in Fresno, CA.
It depends on what you are actually looking for. Are you looking for the age of the oldest person with Pd. I am 86 years old,
Are you looking for the Pd patient who has had Pd symptoms for the longest time? I have had Pd symptoms for 57 years.
Yes, the Pd patient who has had Pd symptoms for the longest time.)I know your story, John you are really a role model for Pd.
I haven't ever heard of having PD so long. How did yours start?
I have Pd 5 years today I start with medication . I try Janice Hadlock program I didn't make it it is very painful so I decided to start with medication . Rare people can do that. Science is very close for real cure there is hope.
I wish I could share your belief that science is close to a cure. I don't know of hardly anything since polio that they have cured. They want to make a fortune selling us medications. I want very much to be wrong. I would kiss their feet if they could cure us, and give us back our lives!
Do you know that Bill Gates has Pd ?
Source please? How do you know? Has he said that?
Yes, you are right. Just google him and ask if he has PD.
87 in December. Stopped part time work three years ago, due to poor walking.
I follow advice from Movement Disorder Clinic.