Interesting article I came across this morning
Possible cure?: Interesting article I came... - Cure Parkinson's
Possible cure?

At least the fifth time this has been posted recently
I noticed the longer it takes a publication to pick up on a story, the sloppier it is. Yahoo Life probably only learned about the subject matter by reading other publications.
Hope this is true
RS, it can't be true because mice don't have Parkinson's. (Scientists do things that cause mice to mimic Parkinson's, but human Parkinson's is not caused by the same mimicking process.)
One could argue that the parkinsons experienced by the Frozen Addicts was caused by, amongst other things perhaps (gene mutations come to mind), the same mimicking process that mice undergo. Though inadvertently, in the case of the addicts.
A cure would require new neurons (or the reactivation of dormant neurons maybe) and a stopping of the degenerative process. It's possible those two goals could be achieved independently.
My own rule of thumb is; I do not ever take an article serious (and most of the time I don't even read it) that has the word "cure" in the same sentence as the word "mice" or "Parkinson's" unless it's on the front page of the New York Times.