I'm wondering if this study shows any benefit to taking probiotics or any bacteria strains in particular:
Study finds overabundance of opportunisti... - Cure Parkinson's
Study finds overabundance of opportunistic pathogens in the guts of persons with Parkinson's

I can't understand the study, but i take bio kult for getting bacillus subtillis in my gut. Definitely helps with regular motion.
The problem with the article on the study is it doesn't tell us what the bad pathogens are. We can hope that bacillus subtillis will kill them.
The general understanding is that increasing gram-positive bacteria displaces and thereby removes the negative pathogens from our system. That is the reason for the huge pre & pro biotic market
I don't think that is quite right as outlined in this article link below. Some gram- positive pathogenic bacteria can be quite bad for us!
Any commensal can become pathogenic under the right (wrong?) circumstances, according to one of the researchers in this very long webinar (it's in there somewhere, I promise):
Does something go wrong in the gut which contributes to the initiation of PD - or -does whatever it is that causes PD also cause changes in the gut microbiome? Could be either way and the paper does not answer this question.
What interests me about the paper is the Prevotella finding, which is contrary to previous studies. The authors attribute the discrepancy to use of different taxonomic classification systems. Prevotella can produce H2S and it has been suggested as a probiotic therapy for PD:
Xylitol consumption encourages the growth of Prevotella.
Prevotella maybe not good for all but good for some?
The “all sugar substitutes are bad” trope must end. Xylitol (which I use on occasion for this purpose) and mannitol both are beneficial for the gut. As always, sweeping generalization miss the point. Thank you for bringing up xylitol.

At the very least, it sends the wrong signals to your brain and makes you hungrier.
Braak's theory, which this study is based on, is pretty theoretical because Braak never identified the pathogen which started or initiated the first of his 6 stages of PD. Hence, it has remained pretty much a fringe theory of what causes PD.