When Gio asked me to post something , I thought I had posted about this before, but reviewing my posts they are all short and flippant. I'll take this in small bites
I am one of 311 participants around the world in a quad blinded, multi-centre phase II trial known as SPARK, of a monoclonal alpha-synuclein antibody.
Alpha-synuclein (a-syn) has long been thought to be a possible cause, or part of the cause, for neuron damage in PD. Specifically it is the mis-folded forms of this protein which are thought to be the problem. The protein in its healthy form is a monomer, but in some people it aggregates into fibrils and eventually Lewy bodies
scienceofparkinsons.com/201... provides a good explanation about this.
A-syn is further associated with PD in that aggregated forms are found in higher levels in PWP. For example, one suggested early detection test was for A-syn in tears (in your eyes)
However, there has recently been some controversy about A-syn - it makes up much less of Lewy bodies than previously thought. Also, there has been a suggestion that its presence in PWP is the bodies healing reaction to the agent causing the neuron damage. The presence of aggregated A-syn is definitely associated with PD, but it might be like paramedics are usually found at the scene of road accidents. It doesn't mean they caused them.
For all that, there is a large body of thought that A-syn is the assassin, and not the paramedic. One idea is it can spread in a prion like way - contaminating adjacent molecules.
So the idea behind this trial is to try to remove bad A-syn, protect neurons, and slow or stop the progression of the disease. More to come...