My observations are my own and based on my extensive experience conducting clinical trials. I am sure not everyone will agree with my perspective. I have tried my best to present an "objective" review of this very important Trial.
An antiviral drug which was historically ineffective in all its potential applications through the years but was promoted as a possibility to treat Covid-19 remains very questionable as a primary treatment drug for Covid-19.
OVERVIEW: The US NIAID (Dr. Fauci) published the results this Friday of the “re-purposed” drug Remdesivir clinical trial in the NEJM.
The agency claims the huge Phase 3 trial with 1,063 participants was a success since they felt it shortened recovery time versus the sugar pill placebo (I sincerely hope it did!) from 15 to 11 days.
As I drilled down into the details and numbers I wasn’t quite so sure this drug should be promoted as the US’s “standard of care” for Covid-19 or that NIAID was being specific enough in their comments to afford intelligent national policy decisions.
FINDINGS: This trial was a well designed Phase 3 trial with 8(!) different categories (arms) of patients conditions and more than 1,000 participants of all ages spread across the 8 conditions as best as possible. Plenty of data and details. So what did I find?
In the 3 critical Covid-19 conditions I examined extremely closely: 1) supplemental oxygen, 2) ventilator, and 3) ECMO... it was clear that Remdesivir only significantly helped those on supplemental oxygen.
CRITICALITY: What is the critical takeaway here?
***No (as in very little) marked benefit from remdesivir was found for those who were healthier and didn’t need oxygen or those who were sicker, requiring a ventilator or a heart-lung bypass machine.***
In fact, which shocked me even more, patients on high-flow oxygen or mechanical ventilator/ECMO did modestly better in the placebo group than those taking remdesivir. Can anyone suggest this drug helps Covid-19 seriously ill patients with this type of result versus a sugar pill? I hope not.
Mortality levels? Pretty much the same between the drug and the sugar pill. Certainly not statistically significant or programmatically significant.
OTHER SIMILAR TRIALS: Unfortunately, I believe these findings repeated the findings of the two (2) Chinese clinical trials with this drug which I reported on many, many weeks ago.