If not us, than who? A call for action. - Cure Parkinson's

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If not us, than who? A call for action.

SilentEchoes profile image
37 Replies

After a lengthy exchange with a member on this forum, whose story is heart breaking, it's clear we need to come together to force change in the way governments do business. We all have a heartbreaking story to tell; I would like feedback from the members on this forum. Are you willing to share your story with me in an anonymous way? I will use these stories to raise awareness of neurodegenerative disorders and the role environmental toxin exposures contribute to ill health. Are you willing to help organize a grass roots campaign and participate in committees? I've never done anything like this before, but damn it, why should that stop anyone?

Please respond if this is something you're interested in doing.

Moderators, if this is inappropriate please let me know. I have seen other surveys conducted among the members here.

Silent Echoes

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SilentEchoes profile image
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37 Replies
MarionP profile image

Which governments, where?

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to MarionP

I'm in the US, there would need to be a counterpart in other countries, but no reason not to share stories from around the world.

I was a bystander when I was poisoned, it occurred to me that I represent a wider demographic. Being sprayed with chemicals is thought to be a 3rd world problem and of those marginalized by society, like migrant farm workers and illegal immigrants.

If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to SilentEchoes

Biggest thing to do is get back the White House and Senate. Nothing happens in a thousand years without that. Then these mfrs have to not be able to externalize the cost of killing and poisoning people, then they'll fix themselves as a part of normal cost containment...and a strong EPA with enough inspectors, fines, and of course we have to have big enough bribes to the EPA and inspectors so private industry won't get to them with more, bribes to actually enforce. That's your five year plan.

bepo profile image

Let me know what I can do. The trenches are full of people who believe whatever the ever present arms of pharma dictate. Do they question? That, I see, is the problem.

GymBag profile image

Well first you will need some data.Here are some statistics for you. You know, how many have it, cost to treat it stuff like that. Good resource.


Then you will need a well defined objective, not something general like increase the awareness of Parkinson. What is it you want. If you are going to lobby government you will need either a professional Lobbyist or 10 thousand of us to write in.

Then you will need money. There is lots of it around, you just need to find someone who has a bank full or better maybe get 100 dollars from each of us. According to those statistics it is estimated that there are 7 to 10 million of us in the world. Not sure what a Billion is anymore but 10 million parky x $ 100 = $1000 million.

Maybe a few thousand of us could hook up with someone like Michael J Fox . Last I heard he was not happy with what they have accomplished so far. A billion dollars does not go as far as it used to.

I tried to help the PD groups Parkinson Canada etc but what they need is money and they have staff to pay and bills and you know the rest.

Together we are legion , and experienced with skills from many walks of life and would be a formidable force if we did not get so damn tired and need a nap every 3 hours .

Let me know what I can do but you should know, People with PD can not organize diddley.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to GymBag

"Together we are legion , and experienced with skills from many walks of life and would be a formidable force if we did not get so damn tired and need a nap every 3 hours ."

Exactly! I bet we don't all nap at the same time ;-)

The reason I haven't supported other groups is because I don't agree with their mission.

I don't give 2 cents about trying to find a pharmaceutical drug therapy.

I want them to stop poisoning us!


Grasss1973 profile image
Grasss1973 in reply to SilentEchoes

I haven’t followed this thread so pardon me if what I’m saying is repetitive.

My question is how much scientific data is there to support the idea that environmental toxins contribute to the development of neurodegenerative disorders like PD?

I’m not doubting this possibility at all, but when you look at climate change for example, there are reams and reams of data and yet you still have intelligent people denying not only that it’s a reality but denying that human activity has any role to play.

Anyone who is going to take up this particular challenge needs to be well versed and completely familiar with the work of respected medical researchers in the field of neurodegenerative disorders.

Sharing this information with people who have the means to help the cause by virtue of their financial resources or through their professional and personal contacts with “ important people “ is vital . Achieving positive results without the help from these special Individuals will be extremely difficult.

I don’t have anything to offer other than my story but if anyone wants to assign any particular task, I’d be happy to try to help out.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to Grasss1973

"My question is how much scientific data is there to support the idea that environmental toxins contribute to the development of neurodegenerative disorders like PD?"

Enough that the EPA is trying to restrict research for reauthorizing pesticides.


in reply to SilentEchoes


MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to SilentEchoes

" want them to stop poisoning us!"

Well, that sounds unrealistic. I want world peace. Think my horse comes in before yours.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to MarionP

They're only mutually exclusive because that's what you belive.

GymBag profile image

I would not start this in the United States, We would be just another bug with a cause . The US is busy right now and it is a big world out there. We need some special people who have influence and friends . World leaders or former world leaders or successful business people who have a personal interest would be good. People like Bill Gates maybe.

Example : President Ronald Reagan (who had Alzheimers) and Pope John Paul II ( who had PD ) met many, many times both public trips and private trips and by telephone.

Together these two people accomplished many things including the freedom of Poland and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to GymBag

I have a friend with celebrity contacts, I need them to see the viability of this. Personal testimony is very persuasive.

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply to SilentEchoes

Silentechoes, I wish you all the luck and the best. Even if you don't end up moving mountains, you have something engaging to do, which helps deal with our emotional pain.

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply to GymBag

Gymbag, after what he is going through right now with growing numbers of people who have started believing that Bill Gates is out to control the world throw vaccination, implanted microchips and brainwashing, I doubt that he is likely to venture into anything serious anymore. 🥵🤣

10 million Parkinson's patients around the world with a population of nearly 7.5 billion is a drop in the bucket. I am surprised that we are even considered profitable enough to make drugs for.

Cons10s profile image
Cons10s in reply to pdpatient

10 million just doesn’t seem right, are you sure that’s properly counted. I know 100 people with PD myself.

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply to Cons10s

That's the number that they are throwing around in academic and research articles. The general consensus is that the number is probably higher especially since there's no official worldwide official census. However, it is doubtful that it's going to be much more higher.

You knew 100 people's with Parkinson's? Wow! I know barely a couple. Are you talking about people that you met at a support group? If not, I would be incredulous if you met them organically through friendships, social and work related activities. I hope that the former is true. Otherwise, that number is just mind boggling.

Cons10s profile image
Cons10s in reply to pdpatient

Your correct, support groups, boxing, PD events etc.

Cagey84 profile image

Hi SE, Michael J Fox Foundation is weighing in as well - michaeljfox.org/advocacy-ca...

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to Cagey84

Thanks for the link

justhavefun2 profile image
justhavefun2 in reply to Cagey84

Shoot! The time for commenting on this closed 5-18-20. 😔

id help.

pvw2 profile image

From working in the semiconductor industry, I know the main reason countries like the U.S. and Japan first moved production off-shore wasn't lower labor costs, but to avoid antipollution laws in their own countries. I suspect other industries are the same. Why do you think countries like China want countries like the U.S. to increase antipollution laws but avoid changing their own? It increases their business.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to pvw2


JoeKev profile image

I’m a woodworker with PD and had cancer.

All the solvents say this product can cause permanent brain and nervous system damage. Warning contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer. California has always had a mission Might show is a path to follow.

JoeKev profile image

.....show us a path. Why’s my phone always wiggling.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to JoeKev


GymBag profile image

You see there is a bit of a problem that we are forced to acknowledge.

I understand your frustration but decisions made and actions taken can effect every body.

Dengue (pronounced DENgee) fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. It can lead to dengue haemorrhagic fever, also known as severe dengue, which affects the body's vascular system (how blood moves through the body). This can lead to significant internal bleeding and organ failure.

. These viruses are related to the viruses that cause West Nile infection and yellow fever.

An estimated 400 million dengue infections occur worldwide each year, with about 96 million resulting in severe illness. Most cases occur in tropical areas of the world.

However West Nile virus has been found in approximately 30% of Wild Turkey hunted in Southern and Central Ontario but they appear to be immune and just carry it and pass it on to the next mosquitoes. Many of the large birds , pigeons , doves , hawks appear to be in the same situation. I am still looking for information on squirrels, or other wild animals or cats and dogs.

We cant wipe out all the birds and wild animals, but we can spray for mosquitoes. Now if Joe,s family gets a virus fever every year and the baby dies from it then Joe is going to do everything he can to make the government spray. Do they listen to some old people (us) that have a theory or Joe who has a proven , and documented cause and effect that hurts any age. Can you honestly say that if you had the authority , that you would not spray.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to GymBag

It's good to talk about these issues. I haven't done research on dengue until now.

There are 4 strains of virus, a person can be infected with each strain once and then immunity is conferred. (CDC) There is partial cross-immunity between strains.

*Each year, it is estimated that up to 400 million people get infected with dengue, actual numbers are unknown.

Approximately 100 million people get sick from infection, and 22,000 develop severe dengue.

*Five serotypes of the virus have been found, all of which can cause the full spectrum of disease. (Wikipedia)

There is a vaccine, but only for people who are confirmed to have had dengue fever at least once or the vaccine can cause severe illness. Repeated infections with different strains can lead to severe illness.

Why not treat the severely ill with convalescent plasma?

You failed to weigh the neurological illness, injury and death from pesticide poisoning when spraying for mosquitoes; against the death rate from dengue. Is this an acceptable tradeoff for a treatable illness with an extremely low death rate?

Deaths from 2000 to 2015 increased from 960 to more than 4032. (WHO)

Once infectious, the female mosquito is capable of transmitting virus for the rest of its life, typically 2-3 weeks. There is no human to human transmission, except possibly maternal transmission to an unborn child.

What are the comorbidities? Surely you don't think the people who get severe illness were healthy to begin with.

I wonder what the nutrient status is of the people who got severe illnesses?


GymBag profile image
GymBag in reply to SilentEchoes

I agree that there are many factors that have not been considered and I think that was my point. It is not cut and dry, and generalizations can be wrong. Expectations of success in banning spraying must consider these other points of view.

When I was 6 yrs old I lived in the same area but there were few houses here and as we played outside the spray truck would go past ringing its bell . I remember the tingle on my skin that lasted for hours afterward. DDT

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to GymBag

I belive we change the minds of people this will direct the will of government.

We can see that the corrupt and captive EPA is moving to exclude independent research in ther regulatory scheme for reauthorizing pesticides.

See the MJF link above.

Any chance your neurological disorder was complicated by being exposed to DDT?

GymBag profile image
GymBag in reply to SilentEchoes

Of course , the spraying could have been the direct cause of my PD, but there is no proof , no smoking gun, just a nagging suspicion. If it was up to me , we would not spray. Confused now are you not. I think I made my point, many different urgency's ,attitudes and investments political and business , consequences within one's family vs the greater good etc . We will be voices in the wilderness, as we are now .

The major environmental groups picked the wrong target. Global warming and a causal relationship with carbon emission is nonsense and that will be eventually proven. They could have done so much more attacking one of the many real environment problems. A huge shame. Get the silly asses that blindly follow the global warming mantra to put their efforts into your cause , and any lack of facts and reality will not matter.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to GymBag

"We cant wipe out all the birds and wild animals, but we can spray for mosquitoes."

*Insecticide resistance seriously threatens the efficacy of vector control strategies. Mosquitoes reproduce rapidly and become resistant to the chemicals. Long term, the chemicals will fail. Then you have to use new and more toxic chemicals. It's tail chasing with serious collateral damage to the environment. Humans are not separate from the environment.


Insecticides affect every living being with a nervous system. Pesticides are classified by use, not selective toxicity. Therefore, herbicides can also be insecticides.

When mosquitoes are sprayed with a neurotoxin there is injury to the surrounding wildlife (and people). This was Rachel Carson's point in Silent Spring.

Governments switched from organochlorine insecticides to organophosphate insecticides because they are less persistent in the environment, the trade off is they are far more deadly to bystanders in the environment.

I'll take my chances with dengue with a less than 1% risk of mortality than be poisoned by a chemical with a 100% risk of injury and death.

justhavefun2 profile image

I am amazed that the world is quick to find a cure for Covid19 which is new on the scene, but there hasn’t been as much urgency to find a cure for many other ailments, such as PD, which have been around for a long time. Maybe this will be a lesson the world learns in working together for the common good... ok, just call me “Pollyanna”... I can dream, right?

I don’t take naps very often. I take direction well, so I am happy to help with whatever I can. Just need marching orders...

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to justhavefun2

Thank you!

MBAnderson profile image

Count me in

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to MBAnderson


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