To wear or not to wear?: As I was happy to... - Cure Parkinson's

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To wear or not to wear?

faridaro profile image
15 Replies

As I was happy to see increasing number of people wearing face masks in public, today I came across this article by Dr. R. Blaylock saying that masks not only can cause hypoxia but also " Newer evidence also reveals that the coronavirus may enter the brain in some cases. By wearing a mask, viruses released upon expiration will not be given a chance to escape and will further congregate in the nasal passages. This allows the virus to enter the olfactory nerves and travel further, eventually reaching the brain."

Here is the article

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faridaro profile image
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15 Replies

The claim you have copied has been doing the rounds. I am not a doctor of any kind, but it sent my BS meter running so i googled it.

Masks are about marginal improvments. An n95 mask is not going to stop every last one of a shotgun blast of the tiniest pure covid particles in a lab, but it may well filter out enough infected droplets (which might be lingering) such that you don't breathe in the threshold amount (whatever that may be) required to develop the disease. It also may prevent you from spreading your own infected droplets.

If you wear a mask, try to act as if you aren't - I.e don't take more risks due to the perceived security blanket of having a mask - and you should (somewhat) be better off.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to

Horace, thank you for clarification - I have to crank up my BS meter and get it running :)

GymBag profile image

Look at the old photos from the 1918 Spanish Flew pandemic. The nurses are all wearing masks over their mouth but not over their nose. They were ordered to do that and penalized if they did not comply all for the same reason that you have given. They changed the rule , after most of the nurses had dropped to the floor.

The word "expert" seems to mean less now.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to GymBag

Jim, as you suggested I looked at some old photos from Spanish Flu (and even came across some interesting stories), but on those photos nurses and other individuals are all wearing masks over their mouths and noses:

Astra7 profile image

He’s a bit of a nutter. A real conspiracy theorist.

Interesting to have alternative views though!

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to Astra7

Yes, I like to see different views - Jim has a good number of thought provoking posts and on top of it has a great sense of humor (sometimes self-depreciating) - "MMM fruitcake is eating a fruitcake" :)

GymBag profile image
GymBag in reply to faridaro

I may be a nutter ,what ever that is , sounds like fun , but I am no conspiracy theorist. ( However I do like the phrase " Just because your paranoid, does not mean they really are not out to get you"

Your right about the photos , I can only find 3 or 4 with all the noses bare and they were all in Winnipeg. I must have seen an article about it.

Sorry to interrupt your post

A nutter huh

MMMMM fruitcake I wonder if we put any away

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to GymBag

No problem - post interruptions are welcome - each opinion has a teachable aspect and I find yours very insightful.

Hope you'll find some leftover fruitcake (I actually love them) and also being one in my opinion is not a bad thing neither - fruitcakes were made to withstand the test of time!

bepo profile image

I have read that many times. We don't wear masks.

Sapeye2020 profile image

Well for the first month or so, our Head doctor for the Canadian COVID-19 exercise in self quarantining, Dr. Tam said '' No, don't use a mask'' then an epiphany occurred and the next morning , she 180*ed it and said '' Yes, do wear a mask, but NOT a MEDICAL one'' she changed her position based on the NEW evidence about the droplet size and distance traveled. Now that the isolation rules are being relaxed more people are wearing a mask when in Public spaces, parks, grocery stores! My wife, a Nurse Educator for > 20 yrs, and I both felt it should have been a YES at the start, even though we had a shortage of masks, troubles with delivery from China and other foreign airports, due to NO non Canadian Jets were allowed to land for a period....they are in good supply now, so say the Politicians. There were a lot of industrious people hand making masks, " just to help the cause".

Our reasoning about starting to wear the masks was to max the use of it, make use of them a habit. Like, if you are having any of the flu like symptoms like a runny nose , fever, headache, or have difficulty breathing, don a mask and head to the Hospital, pronto.

Personally I will carry a non medical mask with me and TRY to:

keep 10 feet away from anyone, if possible;

not be downwind of someone exhibiting any of the symptoms, ie coughing;

go out in the times when there are fewer people, avoid skulking in the dark (wink);

I still am not ready to go to the Hospital for some routine tests, even though we are, miraculously in an area that has not had a single case identified;

walk the dog on an isolated rural road twice daily , watching for the bears in the area (really);

Have to stop as his Master has to get on the other end of the leash...

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to Sapeye2020

Masks wearing makes a lot of sense and thank you for sharing your tactics to avoid the bug even though you don't have any cases in your area - wow, that's so great!

Sapeye2020 profile image

yes it is quite rare, we are in the burbs of a small city of 10,000+ but our house is outside the city limits yet less than 10 minutes 'to town center'. Wife and I have spent the last 3 weeks at our cabin, alone on the lake, 240 Km from town, so pretty isolated for 4 days then into town for supplies etc. then return. I am also self concerned as I had open heart after my PD diagnosis and in reasonable health, I usually swim through the fall/winter/spring period but now the facility is barred shut so 'leaving town' was a no brainer,

We had a massive forest fire in 2017 and there is a lot of work needed to do to clean up the blowdown of beetle killed Pine trees around our lot. Gives me lots of exercise, and thanks to COVID-19 wife wants to be a little more self reliant in the veg dept. so a garden is being dug...

I think our biggest threat of COVID-19 will come when people drive north from the infected areas like Vancouver or the Fraser Valley (now just an extension of Vancouver) etc and someone has the C-19 and is asymptomatic. IMHO these people are the most likely to be a silent hot spot.

I am in favour of using smart phones to constantly record every phone that is near you should you or them/they become stricken by the virus. Like in S. Korea, the Hot Spots were located and then all their contacts were checked. It spooks some people but it works.

Problem is there NO cell service where we are holed up, so will smartphones still be able to capture the data??

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to Sapeye2020

Your cabin with no cell service sounds like a perfect get away to hide from C-19 which numbers will hopefully go down soon. Stay well and don't overwork yourself with clearing the dead pine trees :)

Juliegrace profile image

From Nurse Beth Purkey: "Good Lordt. If I hear one more Ill informed drama queen whine about cloth or surgical masks causing profound lack of oxygenation I’m going to pass out and it won’t be due to severe hypoxia or “Co2 poisoning” it’ll be because my eyeballs have rolled so far back into my head that I’ve completely lost consciousness.

You do realize that surgeons and circulating nurses in the OR have worn surgical masks for entire shifts their whole careers, right? If there’s one group of people that you don’t want becoming hypoxic it’s the people holding power tools and scalpels over an anesthetized human with their insides hanging out. Surgical masks and their effects on oxygenation have been studied for decades. Except in rare instances of people with obstructive airway diseases, surgical masks (and by proxy, cloth masks) do not cause any problems whatsoever with adequate respiratory gas exchange.

You want to know why? Because surgical masks and cloth masks aren’t really “filtering” anything, including oxygen or Co2. That’s right, they aren’t respirators, like the n95 mask (which is filtering). Surgical and cloth masks serve 1 purpose and 1 purpose only; to minimize droplets, which can carry bacteria and virus, from A-leaving the immediate nose/mouth area of the mask wearer and B-from landing on the nose/mouth area of the mask wearer. That’s it. That’s all they do. That’s why they’re recommended for the general public to help minimize the spread of infectious droplets.

N95 masks are totally different. They are actually meant to filter, so they do restrict normal airflow. That is why they are not recommended for the public. If you are wearing an n95 mask around town and feeling short of breath, switch to a surgical or cloth mask. Simple as that.

All of these hysterical “masks are tyranny” people running around saying that cloth/surgical masks cause hypoxia are suffering from self-induced-anxiety-related hyperventilation that is completely preventable if they’d just calm the F down and stop looking for some made up reason to feel oppressed by the man.

You want other people’s infected droplets flying at your face, because you’ve been brain washed to believe the false narrative that you’re not breathing properly in a cloth mask, fine....don’t wear one. But if a business actually realizes that this action puts others at risk because now your “possibly infected” slobber is also spewing out into the faces of other people who are following reasonable guidelines to protect themselves and others by wearing a cloth mask, don’t stand on your wobbly soap box and whine about their decision to refuse service to your ignorant behind.

Cloth and surgical masks don’t cause problems with breathing for anyone without an obstructive airway disease or with normal facial anatomy. Period. End of discussion. Stop the hysteria and you’ll breathe fine with one on.

ETA: views are mine and are not expressed on behalf of any organization or employer."

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to Juliegrace

Strong statements from this wise nurse - thank you for sharing!

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