He made 64 videos, started at the beginning of the Breakout. All on YouTube.
What do masks do, and why we all should b... - Cure Parkinson's
What do masks do, and why we all should be wearing one. Also all about herd immunity.

Great information, thanks for sharing!
The downside is that N-95 masks are difficult to come by and those would likely be the ones that would allow smaller particulate through for limiting exposure in order to start developing antibodies. The non N-95 masks may let too much particulate through at one time.
I thought the guy said that even a bandanna helps somewhat.
I think that was as opposed to nothing, but I thought he also said the finer particulate can get through and this could allow the body time to mount an attack against a lesser and safer amount of virus, almost like a homemade vaccine.
Yes, the viral load.
According to today's numbers for herd immunity 11 million people would have to had the Coronavirus.
Of course the difference between the actual virus and a vaccine is that the virus increases exponentially. So inviting even a small exposure is probably not a good idea. That said, I suspect the reason why some young doctors have died of this is massive exposure.
They have extended the distance between people to way more than just six feet. I have two n95 masks that I bought, one for me and one for my husband, we're planning on reusing them so sterilizing them in the oven is a good idea. Make sure you wash your glasses with soap and water, well , after being out in public. They have directions on the internet how to make your own mask using rubber bands , stapler and the material that you have on hand.. Some people are cutting up new vacuum cleaner bags and furnace filters You can line a bandana with some of those materials. To me it seems It's really better than nothing. The Asian people don't understand how come we don't wear masks all the time out in public. They do work, better than nothing. And I do agree with you.
Excellent video. Better information then we get from CDC or WHO
Excellent, Parkie, and I’ve only listened to one so far!
The size of the influenza virus ranges from 80 - 120 nanometers (nm). The size of the corona virus ranges from 100 - 120 nm.
Surgical Mask vs N95 Respirator for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Workers
"Conclusion Among nurses in Ontario tertiary care hospitals, use of a surgical mask compared with an N95 respirator resulted in noninferior rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
Interestingly, bacteria range in size from 500 nm to 5,000 nm (wikipedia) - though some like mycoplasma are as small as viruses, yet...
Study shows superiority of N95 respirators in protecting health workers against bacterial respiratory infections.
Now if they can just get those N-95 masks because their lives may depend on it! One thing China and South Korea have shown us is that masks save lives, but where is the priority that these masks deserve??? This should be near the top of the list of things to effectively slow the viral spread! The USA reported over 20,000 new cases today alone!
Thanks that’s great advice. Off to sew!
I understand that mask wearing is to protect others more than to protect oneself. A large percentage of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, but you can still infect others. Breathing into a mask, whatever the material, will prevent a lot of potentially infectious "droplets" from being projected into the air, and falling onto surfaces around you. The CDC recommends wearing a mask if you have any respiratory symptoms, and have to go out in public. This is to protect others. So why don't they recommend for non-symptomatic people is there are so many of us walking around who are infected, but don't know it? It doesn't make sense. My family and I will be wearing masks in public from now on.
maskssavelives.org/. Makes sense to me.
They say that masks do not matter because there is no masks to buy, they don't have enough of masks for the medical team. Somebody were asleep on the job for a very long time. We have lost so much time, of course everybody were an unbeliever that is everybody in power.