Does anybody take Terazosin ?. think it is has a lot of potential.
Terazosin : Does anybody... - Cure Parkinson's

Doxozosin has same effect
Doxazosin has, as Roy says, the same effect, which may turn out to be nothing at all. (I've recently started taking Doxazosin, since I have a prostate problem, and I hope it helps slow my PD progress. But it is far from proven that it will have any effect.)
I've been taking it for 6 mos. Don't get your hopes up.
Hello MBA
Are you home from Switzerland by now?
no. still in Zurich. We book flights. they charge our credit card and 2 hours later cancel our flights at $1,800 per. Have spent $3,600 on air tickets so far today. Now, to get to Orlando, we fly to Madrid, Chicago, and Atlanta. Becoming a nightmare.
What a nightmare... I remember your original flight schedule was already nightmarish before the Covid19, so yeah, probably complicated by now...
Maybe this can be of consolation to you: probably alot of members would trade places with you to get the PTT procedure done, I know I would!
I hope your wife and yourself get home soon.
Be safe.
Keep us posted!
How you feel Marc?
Since my pulse rate from taking a beta blocker for over 30 years was too low (35-40/min) my physician and I decided too try Terazosin since it might also help slow progression of PD. So far can not feel any improvement . . . but if there if is any positive effect I would imagine it would probably be very gradual over time.
Come and bunk with us Marc. Otherwise hope you get your flights sorted soon. Although I wouldn't fancy being in the USA this year. Stay well
My husband has this urge to pee many times and his bladder control was v poor. The neurologist recommended Terazosin. It helps to a certain percentage as the urge is less but he still pees in his pants.
My husband changed to Terazosin instead of Tamulosin to see if it made any differences. Only taken it for 3 months but no difference so far that he notices but will keep going.
With his primary care doctor’s support, my HWP switched from Lisinopril to terazosin in the late Fall. He experienced no issues with orthostatic hypotension as he eased up to 5mg each evening. We have seen no dramatic changes, but, as I understand it, this is a neuroprotective move and would slow/stop progression, not improve symptoms. If it works in this way with no negative effects, we will be happy. I suspect we will see it in his UPDRS score staying relatively the same over the long haul, vs. changes for the better. It is very inexpensive here in the US.
I’ve been taking 2mg/day for about 10 months. I don’t detect an effect, But at best it seems to me that it might stop progression, not reverse it. Since I’ve been fairly slowly progressing anyway, that would be a subtle improvement for me to detect. We need clinical studies.
I've been taking it (1 MG for BP and BPH for years now. I also take Rasagelene. How can one tell if progression is being slowed? As PDman1 says "We need clinical studies."
I have been on TZ 2mg for about 5 months now. Very slight benefit to my bladder discharge during night and no difference on PD symptoms since started TZ. Considering to quit TZ (or to make a withdraw test) because during the last 4 to 6 weeks I have developed a persistent cough, clear thick mucus phlegm very hard to get rid off causing a persistent "clearing throat reflex" has aggravated my troubled sleeping. I have been wondering what's going on as I have no other like flu symptoms, no fever, no productive cough, no sore throat, etc. and found a research study from FDA about TZ and coughing and there is a high chance this is a side effect many patients experience and develop during the 1 - 6 months started on TZ treatment.
I've been on Terazosin for 12 years. (2 mg then 5 mg and 10 mg for the past 12 months.) had PD for 4 years now. left hand tremors and stiffness and insomnia. osteoarthritis is bothering me more than the PD