There is a product called Atremo plus that is made from fava beans that sounds good but costly. Anyone trying natural levodopa?
Anyone try natural levodopa from fava beans? - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone try natural levodopa from fava beans?
This is probably not what you are looking for. Last year (December 2018) we went to a pretty seaside town called Coulioure, near the Spanish border with my step son, because there was no snow so we couldnt ski
We had a tapas lunch which included a dish of fava beans, and I noticed an improvement in my tremor. Maybe.
I sprouted some fava beans and they worked OK but I decided to stay with Mucuna powder. Easier to manage.
What kind of mucuna powder do you use? Brand? Where do you order from? Thanks!
I mostly use Barlowe’s 40% from Barlowe’s Herbal Elixirs, in Florida. They sell capsules & bulk powder. I’ve also used bulk powders from Samsara Herbs 10% extract; & Micro Ingredients 5% full spectrum. Bulk powders are half the price of capsules and absorb quicker. I do keep some capsules around for when I’m traveling. Good luck & I hope this helps - JG
You can ignore my previous post, my microphone must’ve been on when I was saying good morning to someone with two adorable dogs during my walk. I tried the lowest dose of a Atremo plus and felt like a weak zombie and had to stop taking it. I’m not saying it’s good or bad for anyone else, and it could be that I had a negative interaction with the other supplements I’m taking such as Mucuna.
Here is a link to what I believe Kt088 is referring to
📌Quite an expensive product.
And from an abstract of study done
Over 90% of PD patients at diagnosis show plasma DA levels below 20 pg/mL. Atremorine induces DA synthesis causing a significant increase in plasma DA levels 1 h after administration in practically 100% of patients
📌Could not get to full study, but impressive response by PD patients.
My wife takes it to round out the ups and downs during the day. It really works for her. Have not tried to substitute her medical dopa with the AtremoPlus . Agreed, it is quite expensive, but if it works. Nothing else seems to work for her.