Novel coronavirus man-made? Lancet Journa... - Cure Parkinson's

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Novel coronavirus man-made? Lancet Journal just said 84% transmission, 15% death rate GREATER than SARS virus.

parkie13 profile image
15 Replies

Keep distance of at least six feet. . Middle of the article there is a link to Professor Francis Boyel's talk. Very interesting. All those people screaming the end of the world is coming. I think it's finally coming true. .

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parkie13 profile image
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15 Replies
pvw2 profile image

If the corona virus came from the lab, my guess is it was from improper handling of the lab rats, resulting in an infection in the rat population. They know that the infection spread from rodents to humans. The actual numbers seem to indicate a 2.5% death rate while sars had a 10% death rate, but didn't infect as many people. Humans survived plagues killing off 1/3 of the population. This isn't a threat to the human race, but a matter of saving people's lives.

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to pvw2

Another possibility of escape from the lab was discovered. The virus can spread through the sewer lines.

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to pvw2

Talking with someone who listens to the Mandarin news, the Chinese media allowed to visit the lab figures the only way the virus could come from the lab is for a person within the lab to unknowingly become infected. Spreading through the sewer lines may explain the large number infected on the cruise ship in Japan.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to pvw2

I also heard on NPR news that the passengers must have seen through the peephole on the door workers taping up an air vent in the corridor. And again I heard that a portion of HIV virus is not there, that Indian scientist made a mistake saying it was there.

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to parkie13

It's still controversial whether a virus can actually spread airborne. This was first suspected for the norovirus, but not substantiated. Plumbing may be more likely.

See, Infections in a Hong Kong building are raising fears about how the virus spreads, in

Hikoi profile image

No evidence at all, just assumptions. How rumours and conspirricacy theories start

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to Hikoi

Hi Hikoi,

Did you read Dr. Mercola's article? He said, In the virus, they have found a portion of HIV. According to him it would not be possible for the portion of HIV virus to get in there by itself.

The other thing is in China, you really have no idea of knowing if the figures we are given by the Chinese government are right or not. Also, they make it sound that for a lot of people. this new Coronavirus Is a mild form.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to parkie13

Yes I read Mercola’s grand claims. Because someone makes up a story and writes it on the internet doesnt make it true, ..... or does it?

I cant believe how people accept the word of Mercola without question. Check him out!

I didnt notice Mercola claiming that a portion of HIV was in the virus, i did see the Indian media comment, again totally unsubstantiated. If true I have absolutely no idea if it is relevant or not, do you.?

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to Hikoi

Secrecy breeds rumors. If I were the Chinese government, I would make the lab explain its procedure for disposing of lab rats after the experiments, as well as expect them to incinerate the dead rats, and keep records of it. I would want the records difficult to falsify with the penalty of imprisonment for falsifying.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to pvw2

Why records of disposing of rats? Do you know they use rats for their experiments? I must have missed it. Bats has been mentioned but not rats, except by you,.

Secrecy? I suspect all governments do it, what about the US government?

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to Hikoi

Whatever animals they use, if they throw the bodies in the trash and rats eat them, they will get the virus.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to pvw2

Ah so they are to catch the wild rats then?

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to Hikoi

No, they are to incinerate to dispose of the animals they infect. Once it gets to the wild rats, it's too late.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to pvw2

Its too late anyway, this is already spreading person to person , just as HIV was from animal to human but quickly became human to human. The history of humans is of plagues. In recent memory we have largely overcome this through immunisation programmes but just like the mutation of virus and bacteria means our antibiotics are no longer as effective, the same is happening with diseases. eg TB was very treatable until the deadly drug resistant strain of recent years. Now again, people die of tb.

pvw2 profile image
pvw2 in reply to Hikoi

They can only get ready for next time.

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