I've been reading that Tai Chi is helpful for someone with PD. There aren't any classes around here so I'm searching Amazon.com for a DVD. I'm not sure which one to purchase. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Can anyone recommend a Tai Chi DVD video ... - Cure Parkinson's
Can anyone recommend a Tai Chi DVD video that could be used in the early stages of PD?

Email pip@parkinsonsnsw.org.au and ask her if there is a copy of the Tai Chi DVD available. he will be able to send it to you(mention my Name) . It was organized and made by PNSW Chinese support group and is in Mandarin,Cantonese and English It is aimed at first users
Hope it is the answer to your?
John Silk /
I use a DVD from the Mind, Body, Soul series called Tai Chi for Beginners - The 24 Forms.
I don't know if it is just me, but I find it very hard to follow. You may have better luck. Think I will try to get hold of the DVD mentioned above.
Is there any classes in your area? I taught Tai Chi before PD and I find it very difficult to follow most of the videos that people have shown me...
However if not then try john, grappers or court's suggestions, it can't hurt, well maybe not.. lol
Basically you are relearning how to rotate and shift weight from foot to foot smoothly while breathing deeply to move blood, lymph and CHI..
Good luck I have some handouts from my classes:
contact me at jmc9696@gmail.com
I do Yoga once a week> Isn't that just as good as Tai Chi?
I hope someone can answer your question. I'd like to know the answer too. Do you feel better after your yoga class? Do the effects last a while?
My husband was diagnosed 2 years ago. There aren't any support groups in our area so I was excited when I learned about this forum. I've been reading the comments & questions to find out how others handle PD & learning that everyone's experience is different.
i do not think they r remotely alike
re breathing
lvoe jill
Yoga is great, Tai chi is great for us too. they both stretch the body but in different ways. They should both be done at least 4-5 times a week though for maximum benefit. Tai Chi, to me, is a moving meditation, more beneficial for the balance issues we experience. I do both yoga and Tai Chi daily... Just the effort tells your body..."Hey body I'm doing something good for you here, appreciate it please" and you may hear "Thank you very much' or maybe nothing at all...Just do it!
there r a lot on U tube by paul lam
try b4 u buy
i find a class much more helpful to start wiih
even just doing the TAI CHI WALK is good to practice at home
lov ejill
Here is a explanatory video from you tube:youtu.be/FMj6JmJvlNY
It is from the Mayo Clinic
Both NPR and Huffington post have recently run articles about recent scientific research re: the benefit of T'ai Chi. It has apparently proven better than most forms of exercise.
I wish they had a TC video for WII!
Steve (Bisbee, AZ)
Check out taichination.com - they do an online course but there's loads of free stuff on there. Before i started tai chi over 18months ago my tremor was out of control . My teacher taught me how to take control of my body by training my mind to take control back . i've learned the short form although it is complex - it feels great just being in control of your movements not them controlling you. I think tai chi should be paid for by the NHS as a therapy for us Parkies !!
I had no idea that Tai Chi could help this much...training your mind to take control of your body...awesome! You must have a great teacher.
One of the posters here sent me a you tube video demonstrating the short form...it is very involved! I had no idea.
I'll check out the link you sent.
I have a DVD tiled "Tai Chi for Energy and Renewal...Living well with PD"
It's a 2007 video fro Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals. It provides basic Tai Chi in both standing and seated positions (for those of us -- like me -- that have equilibrium problems). However, the DVD provides no indication of where G-I Pharm is located.
I also have a video called "Move It: An Exercise and Movement Guide for Parkinson's Disease". However, the only indication of where it comes from are the names Wally Amos, Dr. Melvin Lee, and Physical Therapist Kevin Lockette.
I found both those DVDs on Amazon.com.
Does the Living Well DVD have clear instructions on Tai Chi movement? I'm leaning towards ordering that one.
Do you feel that doing Tai Chi has helped you in any way?
Helshubby mentioned his Tai Chi instructor taught him how to train his mind to control his body. Does either DVD touch on this subject?
My husband uses the Delay the Disease book/DVD by David Zid; I'm guessing that it's similar to the Move It DVD.
I'm sorry, I have so many questions.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it very much.