Does it matter?
How do you define stages in Parkinson's - Cure Parkinson's
How do you define stages in Parkinson's

well derw if you dont know - who does ? Does it matter ? i dont know that either . I have learned alot from you
I have only seen this used by people in USA and I am just curious although I fail to see reasoning behind it unless it is used to gain points for benefits
I think the stages are more for the drs. More of a lingo term. It really doesn't matter.. That's my option..
WEBMD has a listing. Basically minimal, moderate, advanced, needing some assistance in ADL's and finally require full time nursing care.
I found that my husband has some in more than one stage but the WEBMD was a big help and still is very useful
i have PSP a rare type of parkinsons and there r stages of the progression fo the ilness but each patient is unique and they are a guideline for anyone only
love jill
and a
The two most popular staging tools are (1) the five stage Hoehn and Yahr scale (see and (2) the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale, which measures disability stage from 0 (no disability) to 199 (total disability). See: We all know that PD is a progressive disease, but how fast is it progressing in each of us? To answer the question we need a way to track the rate of change. (1) and (2) are the tools used.
I posted this video link last week, it was helpful in answering the questions, of stages and subgroups of PD.
according to the Stages of PD I am a 1 but progressing quickly some of Stage 2 coming on!!!!
Yes, guess it could be better, could be worse. I was already stage II at diagnosis and according to this criteria, am fully in state III. My cognitive function has gone down very quickly over the last 6-8 months, speech and balance issues have also increased. Though, with the Azilect my tremors have decreased markedly.