what is best treatment for leg cramp
cramp: what is best treatment for leg cramp - Cure Parkinson's

To get rid of one right away take a teaspoon of yellow mustard and swallow it or Swig some pickle juice. Otherwise you can use Liquid magnesium oil, rub it on the affected part, you can buy it reasonably priced from Swanson Vitamins or do Google search and pick the best price. Also all the time you should take magnesium capsules. You can also take a Epsom salt bath that helps. However the magnesium oil does wonders
Stand up. Breathe. Relax. Drink plenty of water. ?!
Take a magnesium supplement every day for a while.
Vitamin B1(thiamine)
I had leg cramps every night for 7 years until I started high dose thiamine (HDT). If it does nothing else it has completely cured these.
Lower leg cramps are one symptom of beri beri (thiamine defeciency) and I would recommend trying a dose of thiamine hcl that you are comfortable with. My leg cramps cleared up within 10 days and have only had 2 in 18 months and that was during a 10 day break from HDT. I am on 3g per day but I'm not sure I need that high a dose for leg cramps. If you're mot bought into the whole HDT concept start high and if it works come down to a dose you are comfortable with.
Leg cramps are the main reason I do HDT and the only benefit i can guarantee i get
My leg cramps happen less when I exercise more, particularly gentle stretching during the day. Keep legs and feet as mobile as possible by flexing joints at knees and and ankles.
As alicianq said, drink water. Some sips of water before bedtime seems to help me too (though many of us try to avoid drinking at bedtime!). I haven't so far tried magnesium or thiamine.
I stopped having horrible leg cramps several times a day soon after I started taking two packets of Emergen C per day. When they stopped, I cut down to one per day. After a while, I quit taking any. When they come back, I'll take a packet per day for a while.
Since I've started taking 1 gram of thiamine HCL at breakfast and another 1 gram at lunch, the leg cramps are very rare and many other symptoms have greatly improved.
Magnesium works excellent.
Theraworx available at Walmart amazon. I use it regularly for foot cramps
I have taken magnesium asporotate by Soloray, or Life Extension, neuro magnesium for years. Works like a charm for me.
Sounds crazy but a bar of Dove soap under the sheet seems to help some ...
I used to drink a tumbler of tonic water ( quinine) for very rapid relief; kept it by the bedside and took it when I got a cramp. They went away for a year or so and when they came back I discovered magnesium. One capsule of magnesium ( I buy bisglycinate but not sure whether other types will work too) works fairly rapidly.
Magnesium "oil" is simply a solution of magnesium ( chloride) in water. Just add the magnesium to the water until it is no longer dissolving- you then have your magnesium "oil". I haven't tried this for dealing with acute cramp but just as a maintenance dose; cheaper than capsules but I haven't relied on it on its own. As someone else said, keep them at bay completely ( works for me) by taking a magnesium capsule every day. I take mine late in the evening.
An osteopath just told me that you can also have a pinch of sea salt in some water as that is full of minerals too. Haven't tried that yet but it will certainly be cheaper than Magnesium.
All the best, hope this helps.
P.S it was glycinate of magesium