My Beloved passed away on 1st February after a short illness, at home, and with us by his side. It was a beautiful three days that we had sitting with him, keeping him company on the journey to Beyond. I am at peace. We were 'in touch' the whole time of his living with PD. We promised to 'go for' quality of life, respect, dignity and warm regard for those who were sent to help. You number among these, Thank you for me being able to post, question, browse and think more clearly some days, and not feel alone on others. No regrets, not now, not for PD, nothing. We had a good life of loving, sharing and creating the days as we went along. I used all the power of positive language, healing and love to make this bearable. It worked. I am at peace. Bye for now.
MyLovedHadPD: My Beloved passed away on 1st... - Cure Parkinson's

Peace be with you
You are blessed with good memories. I hope you have many pleasant days ahead of you.
Peace be with you, and I'm glad your beloved passed away peacefully, with love around! Please accept my deepest condolences! I am glad that this forum was helpful for you both!
So sorry for your loss.
May you feel the love that surrounds you.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. "
Reinhold Niebuhr
My condolences to you and your family.
Our deepest sympathy in the passing of your beloved. It's times like this when you need the support of family, friends and those who share your journey. God be with you.
I am sorry for your loss but you know he is at peace and will always be with you. God bless.
May God comfort you and bless you. My beloved passed away a year ago and his PD is behind him. You're in my heart and my thoughts. xx
So sorry for your loss, but happy that you had last days at home.
Our condolences to you and your family.xx
My thoughts are with you, in sympathy. May you have eternal peace, much greater than any we could ever enjoy on earth.
So sorry on your loss but may your memories of being together bring you peace and contentment. God bless
So sorry for your loss.
Somewhere else he is, but when you think of him, you'll find him again.
And what was beautiful will be even more.
My deepest condolences.
I have only today read this post, and was very touched by it. First, I’m so sorry for your loss, but glad to read that you’re in peace.
My dad had Parkinson’s for many years, and was subject to the vagaries of prescriptions and hospital care. Since reading posts on this site, I have begun to understand his symptoms better...though a little too late now!
But thank you for explaining your approach to his care so clearly. It’s an inspiration to me. I’m now caring for my mum, aged 99 now, not with Pd, but other health difficulties. I will bear your words in mind. It’s a splendid approach that might help us all through. Penny x
So sorry for your loss. His PD journey is over.