Dating w PD: I was just recently diagnosed... - Cure Parkinson's

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Dating w PD

taurusgirl64 profile image
23 Replies

I was just recently diagnosed with PD at the age of 54. I am devastated to say the least. I'm petrified on what the future looks like for a single woman. Is dating even possible with PD?


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taurusgirl64 profile image
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23 Replies
WinnieThePoo profile image

It's a tough one. But my experience so far is that PD scares the shit out of you initially and then becomes less scary and more of a challenge. Regarding dating,with the benefit of hindsight I probably had PD when I was dating Sue 10 years ago. And since my diagnosis sue has commented about women flirting with me

PD is in the picture for sure and all of us progress differently, but a lot depends on how you tackle it. And on that basis don't rule out dating

Find the right guy.

SCT25 profile image

Taurus - I am 52, but I have been diagnosed for 14 years now. I too was skeptical about dating with PD. My only advise would be to just be yourself and remember that PD does not define who you are as a person. I am happy to say that I met the greatest girl in the world over a year ago, and our relationship continues to get better everyday!

Grumpy77 profile image
Grumpy77 in reply to SCT25

wow, after 13 years with PD! Thats wonderful!

How did you manage that?

Have you always been a charismatic, funny and joking person? If so were you able to maintain that after diagnosis?

Do you have tremors?

Are your symptoms very visible?

If you don't mind me asking, how old is the lady you met?

SCT25 profile image
SCT25 in reply to Grumpy77

Grumpy - Up until very recently my PD symptoms were easily hidden, at least for brief periods of time. Despite that I was upfront and honest about my condition from the first date. As far as being funny, charming, or charismatic I guess you'd have to ask my girlfriend. She is 54, and I am 52. She is drop dead gorgeous, successful, caring, and makes life worth living. I am truly a lucky man.

LTT0019 profile image

Hi, I am single 61 years old, Dx with PD 7 years ago. I have dated during this time. It was easier when I did not show symptoms with medication. I did inform my dates that I was Dx with PD. No secrets. I think if you find your soulmate it would not matter to him. I think women can see themselve as a caregiver easier then a man. I wish there was a dating site for people with PD. Someone with PD can understand the issues with having PD. (I hate to read that a husband or significant other left when you were Dx with PD.

Good Luck and have fun.

movinngroovin1 profile image

PD is your screening device now. It screens out the selfish creeps. It sure did in my life. Got it when I was 45 and recently divorced. No worries the cream will rise to the top!

Lionore profile image

Hi, I probably had PD when I met my partner online over ten years ago although I wasn’t officially diagnosed until 2015. However, I had just had a mastectomy. We’ve been happily living together for nine years. He is 65 and I will be 72 in a few days and we are both mostly retired. My symptoms are mild but especially prominent in the morning when the Sinemet hasn’t kicked in, so he comes upstairs with my coffee.

I didn’t expect to be supported financially, didn’t need to be married again, didn’t care about height, hair on head or lack thereof, being of the same religion or even (gasp) the same political persuasion. I was looking for kindness, honesty, a great sense of humor, and open to commitment. When PD showed up, we dealt with it together. Fortunately I have I’ve actually improved after starting Sinemet and B1, but my partner is great about reminding me to rest when I push myself too hard and has gradually taken on more household chores without my asking.

If I ever need care 24/7 or become incontinent, we both agree that he could leave to move in with his daughter and I would move to assisted living. We have to be realistic but celebrate today’s blessings at the same time.

Sometimes angels show up when we need them the most.

taurusgirl64 profile image
taurusgirl64 in reply to Lionore

Thank you for your words of encouragement. It gives me hope that I might have a future.

CplParkinson profile image

Not to frighten others away from dating. Getting divorced because of Parkinson's or because of me. Wife says I changed for the worse. I say I've opened my eyes to what I've been blind to. Either way doesn't matter...

Sorry rambling...

When I get back out there eventually, being open and yourself. Let them know and understand your limitations and what you do to push them or not. Honesty will keep you together or reveal the truth.

Painty23Painty profile image

I have been wondering the same thing, over the two years since diagnosis iv come to the conclusion that we’r inclined to limit our self as pd can knock your confidence .... so go for it , or regret not

ion_ion profile image

You have a legitimate concern. My gf for 15 years changed her behavior after telling her I had PD. She noticed it was something wrong with me but never bother to ask. I was also reluctant to tell her but finally I had to do it. After that she started stressing me for every little thing so I understood what she wanted. One time I went to dance with a lady and I bought two glasses of wine. I'm still in the phase I can hide my RH tremor. But when I tried to carry the glasses the RH started to shake badly and spilled wine over the floor. I told her why and she just became anxious to go home.

So it is not easy to date having PD; it seems our date is PD itself.

ion_ion profile image
ion_ion in reply to ion_ion

Also, two years earlier she was suspected to have pancreatic cancer and I was very supportive. But that meant nothing for her when I needed help.

Lucal profile image

Yes It Is possible. Just maybe don t start with " ciao , ive got Parkinson , what about you ?" . Let him getting to know you. If he likes you , Parkinson Will Just be a part of you. Maybe not the best , but a part of you. Im getting married next week.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Lucal


Come??? ti sposi? Ho capito bene?

Lucal profile image
Lucal in reply to Gioc

Capito benissimo

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Lucal

Wow, but it's fantastic, very heartfelt congratulations!


Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Gioc

the hight intention is usually this: "I promise to be faithful to you always, in joy and sorrow, in health and in sickness, and to love and honor you all the days of my life, until death separates us". 😀

l’intenzione più alta di solito è questa: “prometto di esserti fedele sempre, nella gioia e nel dolore, nella salute e nella malattia, e di amarti e onorarti tutti i giorni della mia vita, finché morte non ci separi." .😀

Stevenmast profile image
Stevenmast in reply to Gioc

I'll have to share that with my wife perhaps she missed those words when we were married!!!

bassofspades profile image

Watch this movie called Love and Other Drugs, where Anne Hathaway plays a woman with pd and dates this guy who is a drug rep.. She doesn't do the greatest job portraying a pd patient but towards the end she does a better job showing how she deals with the emotions of falling in love when you have pd.

in reply to bassofspades

I saw that movie and was surprised how good it was, but I had no idea what it was about when I started to watch it, so I had no expectations.


bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to

I don't know about how good it was but Anne Hathaway is pretty hot

alexask profile image

Right the first thing to get into your mind is that you have come to best online forum for this IMO in the world. Secondly, it is in your realm as to how fast the progression is. I would say that there are many here where progression has been minimal and symptoms even reversed.

In particular there are many that subscribe to Vitamin B1 as very beneficial. Others see great benefit from other supplements such as Mannitol. The first question you might ask is why your Doctor won't be prescribing any of these vitamins and supplements. The answer to that is because they are freely available there is no financial incentive to do the research.

So if you can combine this with eating and sleeping well and 40 minutes of cardio exercise 5 days a week you may well find limited progression and improved symptoms. Dating opportunities will then follow.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to alexask

I agree with Alexask about everything. I just add a word about the future: there is no problem without solution and it may well be that there will soon be a cure.

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