Does anyone else have bad circulation esp... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone else have bad circulation especially on weaker side?

aall iknow is my left leg is the one that gets swollen and is my weaker leg ...
Have not experienced that.
My left hand gets colder than the right ... likely weaker circulation on the more impacted side :
Yes, I do. Since being on Requip xl my ankle (weak side) gets very swollen. The meds can cause this or even the food you eat.

I couldn't figure out why my weaker side ankle kept swelling up...Thanks for your input. I am seeing my neuro doc tomorrow and will ask him about the Requip XL I am taking.
Yes, it's one of my most bothersome problems. In my case it is worse on the right side, even though that is my "strong" side. The reason for this is that, in 1995, surgeons removed a 12" length of vein from the right leg to use in coronary bypass surgery. Since that time veinous blood tends to pool in that foot and ankle rather than return smoothly to the heart. It helps to wear lose fitting socks and, when resting, to elevate the affected limb(s) so that gravity works for you.
Actually, there is some problem with circulation everywhere, but mostly it is below the waist. Even wearing a tight belt or waistband causes pain in the lower back and pelvic areas. Sitting with knees crossed can slow circulation in both legs so that, if you have to get up in a hurry, you may land on your face.
Just one more example: When taking my daily "brisk??" walk, I find that, before long, my right hand goes into that familiar rythym of semi-rotational shaking. This causes blood to pool in the lttle finger and lower palm area. It becomes painful. I find that, if I raise my arm and hook my right thumb under a chest-high button on my shirt, the pain and swelling goes away.
I found your question interesting, was hoping that someone else had information to show that circulation problems are a part of PD.
Both of my feet and ankles are very swollen by the end of the day. I think it may be a side effect from the medication.
I am not a Dr., only a personal trainer, but it makes sense to me that if Parkinsons patents have low blood pressure as a symptom, that would also mean that the blood is slow in circulating the system, This would cause swelling and blood and water pooling in the extremities. Since most people with Parkinsons also need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.- and are encouraged to eat salty foods to keep water in their system..I would guess that swollen feet and hands are not often due to water retention, but poor circulation ...Does that seem logical to you?.
yes my husband has the same problem . the front of his legs shins are red . Good idea about salty food , but there again we are recommened not to have too much salt .
His circulation is poor , poor mobility doesnt help either
Physio also told me that the non Parkinsons side does more work ..!!