Coffee is thought to protect the brain against Parkinson's disease. A recent study investigates which compounds might give coffee its neuroprotective powers. The findings may eventually lead to innovative new treatments.
How coffee might protect against Parkinson's - Cure Parkinson's
How coffee might protect against Parkinson's

And still,as a coffee lover,I only drink 2 cups a day
I heard that coffee is not good for tremor.?????
I think there are potentially issues with caffeine and tremor. I don't notice anything. I have an espresso with breakfast and another after lunch and never observe tremor problems associated with them
The benefits are from the coffee bean itself, which among other things is a prebiotic. Although recent research suggests a number of elements in coffee combined help to slow the progress of the disease.
Its a trade off between modifying the disease itself, and the effect on some of the symptoms of the disease. At this stage I'd be happy to drink more coffee - although I am not expecting it to do anything dramatic, it is part of the holistic approach to battling the disease.
Organic coffee + A Tbs of Organic butter + 5ml of MCT oil C8 in blender is the best combination. I don’t like coconut oil. IMO
What’s mvt oil and c8
Yes, the science says it is protective. Read this article at this link:
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