I made this into a PDF but I don't know how to add it here. I'll try to copy and paste:
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Arm Swinging - slowed or not at all - usually on one side when walking
Aspiration - food entering the lungs - can cause Pneumonia or death
Autonomic Nervous Sys. - decline - can affect many of the Body Functions
Awakening Earlier - tend to wake up earlier and earlier - need less sleep 25%
Back Pain - Lower - from mild to severe - aches - spasms - Lumbago
Balance - Dysequilibrium / Ataxia = movement loss
Bed - difficulty getting in / out - rolling over
Blood Pressure Low - low when standing up = falls - Orthostatic Hypotension20%
Bowels - incomplete elimination or absorption of nutrients - impaction
Brain Inflammation - swelling - Encephalitis -
Breath - shortness - shallow - Dyspnea - panting - wheezing - Hyperventilation
Breathing - difficulty breathing at night - Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND)
Chewing - Choking - difficulties keeping food moving toward the throat
Cognitive Function - diminished problem solving / decision making
Cogwheel rigidity - jerky movements in arms / legs - stiffness
Communication - slow at finding the right word - recall - Aphasia
Comprehension - difficulty understanding
Constipation - causes drugs to be less effective 90%
Coordination - Ataxia - less in general - especially with small things
Cramping / Burning / Pins & Needles - Toes - Legs etc. - Dsyistonia
Daytime Sleepiness - Excessive - EDS - Somnolence 50%
Dexterity - Loss of - may need occupational therapy
Diarrhea - may be cause by Autonomic Nervous System decline
Digestion - difficulty fully digesting food - Gastroparesis
Dizziness - Fainting Syncope - Lightheadedness - Vertigo20%
Drooling - excessive saliva - Sialorrhea - Botox shots can help - every 3mo. 42%
Drug Effectiveness Diminished - during a Woman's period - Approx. by 25-30%
Dry Mouth - excessively dry - cheeks may 'stick' to your teeth - Xerostomia 25%
Dyskinesia - constant movements - dance like (Michael J. Fox)
Ears Ringing - Tinnitus - ringing or buzzing in the ears
Early Satiety - feeling full after a few bites of food ▼ Pressure Socks will help ▼l
Edema - Swelling of legs - water retention - consuming less salt can help - ▲
Erectile / Sexual Dysfunction - E.D. - may impair sexual activity 85%
Executive Functions - trouble forming / executing concepts - goals - plans
Exhaustion - Lacks Strength - Tiredness - at times, rest does not help 60%
Eye Lids - can’t open - Apraxia - Spasms = Blepharospasm - Botox may help
Eyes - Dry - Xerostomia + decreased blinking - slow - may cause Blurred Vision
Facial Expression - Hypomimia - "Masked Face" - no expression
Fainting - Syncope - unconsciousness - usually getting weak just before -
Falling - Due to Balance issues - PwP Experience 2X Fall vs Normal Seniors 60%
Fatigue - Physical / Mental weakness - resting will help50%
Finger and Toe Nail Thickening - gets thicker and stronger
Freezing in Position - Akinesia - take one Big step to help get moving 65%
Gait - Freezing Of Gait (FOG) stops walking / small steps / can't step forward
Gait - Festination - uncontrollable acceleration in gait
Head Nodding - involuntary - can be slow or fast - body undulating slowly
Headaches - mild to severe - Migraines
Heart Burn 37% / Regurgitation 31% / Chest Pain 28% - all parts of swallowing
Heart Palpitations - heart races intermittently
Hobbyism - collecting items to an extreme - (i
Internal Restlessness / Tremor - Akathisia - difficult to sit still - not Dyskinesia
Joints Cracking - Crepitus - fingers - elbows - knees - toes
Light Sensitivity - Pupilomotor - more sensitive to light - Photophobia
Medications - unpredictable / changeable results - test Brand vs Generic
Melanoma - greater % chance of Skin Cancer - Get checked 2x per yr. Men = 2-3x30%
Memory Loss or Changes - slower at recalling words - ideas
Movement - slowness of - Bradykinesia - 55% / limited range - Hypokinesia 55%
Movement - Difficulty initiating walking - Festiation - feel like glued to the floor
Movement - falling backwards - Retropulsion
Multi-Tasking - difficulty - causes anxiety / frustration - Be Careful Driving!
Muscle Jerks - Myoclonus or Spasms - Dsyistonia - muscle Atrophy
Nails (Finger / Toe) - become harder - increased ingrown nails
Nasal Draining - out of nowhere - unexplained - most times just one nostril
Nausea - Queasiness - Vomiting
Numbness - Tingling - Pins & Needles - in the arms and/or legs
Orthostatic Hypotension - Dizzy when standing - not enough blood to brain20%
Pain - Central - burning - scalding - stabbing - insects crawling on the skin80%
Pain - Dystonia - due to posture of arms - feet - joints - legs - neck
Pain - Nerves - Nerve Roots: compressed nerve roots - Neuralgia - Radicular
Pill-Rolling - rubbing the thumb with the forefinger - 'Pill-rolling Tremor'
Posture Instability - Hunched - Stooped over - problems standing - walking 35%
Pseudobulbar affect - burst out crying or laughing for no reason - PBA
Punding - taking something apart and putting it back together - and repeat 5%
R.E.M. Disorder - improper sleep - Rapid Eye Movement - don't reach 4th level 85%
Ratcheting - elbows - shoulders - temporary locking in position - see Shoulder
Restless Leg Syndromes (RLS) + Arms - constant moving - Mustard may help 20%
Rigidity - Akinesia - Less Range of Motion - arms, legs, neck, and torso
Rising from Seated Position - difficulty getting up - not in balance
Runny Nose - Excessive - Rhinorrhea 35%
Sexual Dysfunction - Men & Women - Less desire for sex
Shoulder - Rotator Cuff - painful - Ratcheting - can't sleep on that side
Skin - Dandruff - Flaky - Itchy - Oily - Rashes - Red - Seaborrhea - Shingles
Sleep / Insomnia - awaken often - can't fall / stay asleep 65%
Sleep Apnea - snoring - stop breathing - dangerous - Can cause Death
Sleep Problems - Frequent Awakening 40% - Early Awakening 25%
Smell - Loss of: - can diminish to zero - Anosmia / Hyposmia - Olfaction - up to 85%
Speaking - soft or low volume - Hypophonia 90%
Speech - hesitant - monotone - slurred - Dysarthria - difficult Articulation 90%
Speech - excessive fast speech - Tachyphemia - hard to understand
Speech - groping for the correct word - Aphasia or Dysnomia
Startle Easy - Hyperexplexia - very easily surprised
Stridor - loud high-pitched, wheezing sound - cause: airway obstruction
Stiffness / Spasticity - in arms, legs, and torso areas
Stomach Pain - no obvious reasons - bloating - IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Stress and Tension - can increase Tremors and lack of concentration 75%
Sweets - greater desire for sweets
Swallowing - difficulty with - Dysphagia - Aspiration Danger 62%
Sweating - increased or excessive - Hyperhidrosis - "night sweats"60%
Taste - loss of = Ageusia Partial loss = Hypogeusia goes with Loss of Smell
Tearing - excessive tearing for 20-40 seconds from only one eye or both
Teeth - more cavities - gum problems - may loose teeth - grinding
Temperature Sensitivity - more so to Hot and / or Cold than before
Thinking - Movements - slow and deliberate = Bradyphrenia - impaired 50%
Thirst - excessive - sporadic - Polydipsia - constant and extreme 'dry mouth'
Time Perception - difficulty determining time spans -
TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint Pain - jaw pain
Tremors - (At Rest) - arms - face - hands - head - jaws - legs - voice - 4-6 /sec. 80%
Turning / Rolling over in bed - difficult - satin sheets/clothing may help
Twitches - just below the skin - Fasciculations
Urination - frequently - incontinence - may dribble - urgency - Nocturnia
Vision - Blurred - Double = Diplopia - Depth P
Vision - Difficulty differentiating between Red and Green
Vitamin / Mineral Deficiency - B-12 & D-3 and
Vivid Dreams - may act out - get physical - may require separate beds
Walking - usually on one side: foot drag - no arm swing - shuffle - slow - stiff
Walking - quick short step - Festination - may over speed an fall
Weakness - Arms and Legs - Generalized Asthenia - head and neck
Weight - Gain ( ) or Loss ( ) - No obvious reason40%
Writing gets S m a l l e r - Micrographia - difficult to read - drugs can correct
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