A cup or 2 of blueberries might lift your mood, enhance brain function, and improve mobility (balance, etc.)
Captain Blueberry to the rescue! - Cure Parkinson's
Captain Blueberry to the rescue!

I take a glass of diluted blueberry concentrate every day after reading a book on Neurogenisis.
About every other day, I eat about a cup of frozen wild blueberries. On days I don't, i take a "Wild Blueberry Extract" pill that I bought from Vitacost. Hopefully, that will do. But I will say that blueberries are absolutely delicious just by themselves, and might be even better in oatmeal!
A cup or 2? That’s a lot!
While we are on blueberries I have a nice recipe that everyone in the family loves:
Frozen blue berries
Other frozen berries eg raspberries are good
A few Tbs of raw organic cocao
Some very ripe bananas
A few dates
A fewTbs greek yoghurt if you eat dairy
Soak chopped dates until mushy in water or juice, then blitz everything still frozen together in food processor until you have ice cream! It is so creamy even without the yoghurt the kids can’t believe it isn’t ice cream. If you refreeze it it needs to come out of the freezer 15 minutes before you eat it as it freezes too hard to spoon out.
You can adjust this to taste with whatever fruit you like and could throw your whey powder in too I expect. I am thinking of making a ground cashew, almond , cocao and coconut oil base and making it into an ice cream pie!
It is a great antioxidant dessert for if you aren’t eating other sugar.
Sounds delicious. I'd personally leave out the coconut oil though. Some people say it's fine, but many others disagree: youtu.be/vCHPhIzOUOw
Gosh, I watched a cheese video last night which was scary, meat is bad, avoid lectins, carbs, gluten fats, mercury in fish, hormones in chicken, seed oils I am wondering what to eat. I think I might starve on only greens.
If you want my advice, eat carbs and don't bother counting calories. You'll naturally feel full and satisfied if you eat whole, unprocessed carbs like avocados, nuts, whole grains like corn and oats (avoid wheat if you think you should), lentils (beans, peas, soy), squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tons of fruit and berries, quinoa, bell peppers, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, tomatoes, and all sorts of spices. Then, if you're still hungry, eat some leafy greens in salads or smoothies.
Carbs are awesome.
Yes, I am having to do a whole rethink on how to cook for the family. Kids are teenagers so resistant to change and I have to make sure they get enough protein for growth. We have always eaten pretty healthily, but probably a bit too much red meat. Lots of Veges and fruit but probably should be eating more fish nuts and seeds . at least in New Zealand meat is a bit more grass fed than elsewhere and less gmo.
This video isn't scary, I promise! It explains how much protein everyone actually needs, and it's less than you probably think. Besides, most of the food I mentioned has protein. So I wouldn't worry.
My son is grown and on his own, so I get to eat what I want to! Good luck with the teenagers. youtu.be/7NW32vLq340
I just the Cronometer with what my husband would eat in a typical day and his protein is way under even on a meat day unless I add 2 scoops of whey powder which I was for a while, then thought I might be over doing it. That is a real eye opener. Omega 6 was way down too and omega 3 over and fat below par except saturated which seems to be totally banned which I am dubious about!
Ps I don’t think it works properly eg it says fish oil capsules have no calories and there is no vitamin e in avocados whereas avocados are listed as one of the mains sources of vitamin e
Are you using cronometer? Another fast and easy source of protein is a can of black beans. If he has no trouble digesting them, the fiber is really good for him too. Mix in some chili powder, maybe bell peppers or onions, and it's great. Lots of protein.
Well I hadn’t used it before but I just tried it. It reckons he needs 180g per day which seems a lot. He eats lots of nut, beans, milk cheese, some meat but it takes a lot more to get up to 180g! I worry now I have been starving him 😳
Wow, that's' a really high amount. I need just 60-70 grams. Let me check with my friend who knows more about it. Something's not right.
He is 6 foot 2 and 88kg. Seems way too much to me. And calories I can hardly get enough either on it. I think some items aren’t registered properly on it. Eg the avocado has no vitamin e
OK, I might have an answer to fix the protein problem. You might have changed the "Dynamic Macronutrient Targets" to something like "Paleo" or "High Fat / Ketogenic" for example. If you change it back to "Fixed Targets" it will use default values. I don't know why avocado isn't showing any E.
BTW lectins are just boogieman used to sell books! youtu.be/_rm7YlrcDBo
Yes, I did wonder. I suppose some people are sensitive to some foods but there is a fair bit of hysteria around over almost everything.
It's as though some people have lost all common sense.