Hello everyone!
Heres hoping you all have a great weekend. I`m seeing my 3 kids tomorrow...as usual so that will be fun
So what are you all up to this weekend
Andy xx
Hello everyone!
Heres hoping you all have a great weekend. I`m seeing my 3 kids tomorrow...as usual so that will be fun
So what are you all up to this weekend
Andy xx
Zilch, this weekend! My wife is over the pond in New York visiting family, I am looking after our Tibetan Terrier, Muffin (or is she looking after me?)
But last weekend I went to see/hear a great tribute band, Rumours of Fleetwood Mac. Terrific concert, featuring both the early blues versions and the later songs with Stevie Nicks. Really chuffed to find that I can still tap my feet to the rhythms!!
Over the past year (my 11th with P) I've enjoyed two different Pink Floyd tribute concerts, Australian Pink Floyd and Brit Floyd - both fantastic performances - and will shortly be seeing the Bootleg Beatles. Also saw the terrific live show of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds
P isn't going to stop me enjoying music, even if it is a struggle to get to the concerts!
Good luck to everyone else with their weekend fun
Going over to a friends to watch The Oscars on sunday. We have 17 bottles of champagne left over from my wife's birthday party. I'm sure we can make a dent in that.
Should have been at our caravan in West Wales, but our dog tore her ear, which is bleeding badly so that is a no go. After two visits to the vet and a hefty bill we will see what tomorrow brings.
Have a lovely day with your children, as you always do. Was wondering how you got on with your boss and your driving. Hope it all worked out well for you.
Look forward to hearing about your day out. Roll on the next party.
Hi Sue
It looks like I`m still going to have a job with my employers.....I`m simply going to swap roles with my escort....he will become the minibus driver and I will become the escort ( we always have to have escorts on the minibuses for the safety of the students as well as the staff ) so all is looking good
Oh by the way I hope everything goes well with your dog and that you have a good weekend x
Hi Andy
Great news. You must be very relieved. At least you did not have the stress of fighting for your job. Though I am sure you would have won.
Wish I could master the smiley face.
Hi Sue thanks
For a smiley face first press : then press - and then )
you end up with
For a laughing face follow first two steps but use a D instead thus
For a wink just use ; at the beginning
Here goes
This is what mine always looks like. What am I doing wrong? How do you get the colour?
Think I must be stupid. No, don't answer that!
That's great news Andy. I know how worried you were. Here's to a great weekend then and a great future re employment!
hi sue
where in west wales isyour van ? we are going to live there once we sell our house here in france
It is just outside Aberdovey. We have been there for about 20 years and go as often as we can.
Aberdovey is just up the coast from Aberwystwyth (forgive the spelling) and the area is beautiful. It is such a different way of life and we relax very quickly when we get there. I always feel better when we are there.
Would be lovely to have you as neighbours. But how can you leave France?
we dont want to but my aunt who is 86 in april . who came with us wuen we moved here in 2008 now says she wants to go back so we haveno option but to sell up and give her her money back - also too i and my uk family are worried about my husband fred who is my carer . and who does everything for me - he is 75 and although fit and healthy now - who knows what the future may bring - so that sue is the reason we are having to go back - we are looking at pembroke area
my plans for the weekend, a long lie if i can sleep past 3am lol then intend on starting to decorating my spare room, then dinner and drinks with friends ( the1st wifes club). then sunday morning watching something for the weekend then long walk....
On Sunday I will be listening to BBC Radio Sheffield as its derby day here in Sheffield....Sheffield Wednesday Vs Sheffield United from Hillsborough....I of course will be rooting for Sheffield Wednesday......Come on The Owls!!!!
Quiet weekend for me--daughter is with her dad. Hope to get some home projects underway--basement and spare room need attention. Continue with jewelry making projects and get photos uploaded to etsy. Basically I'm puttering and looking forward to it!
we people with pd seem to be creative types... do you sell your jewelry. ive been in touch with site in usa and they fund raise thro the sale of crafts.... we all think fund raising has to be physical to prove we can do it, of course we can. i wll be doing my spare room,,, also cleaning my tropcal fish tanks( my dog passed and elderly parents decided fish are my limit) two tanks.....have fun with your daughter ,,,,
do tell me about fundraising. I also make jewelry and have raised thousands for Parkinson;s support groups and MJFF but am now in Hawaii. Would love to conrtribute
Started the weekend witth a match.com coffee date. yikes.
Friends coming over for dinner Saturday night,
Hi AndyC, hope you have a great weekend with the kids! Not much going on here in the great state of TN....just a laid back weekend for me. So happy to hear the good news about your job situation.
Take care,
hi andy
i am66 today and am off for a coype of nights in a pub in derbyhshire for the w/e
- A real treat as i hav enot been away since last november
and the mvoe cnanot now be on wed
but probably w/c 5 march
howev er we shall sitll party on 3rd
enjoh ht eday with your kdis
and i a m so pleased that yoru job is safe
lov e jill
Happy Birthday and have a lovely weekend. Looking forward to the party.
Did i hear some say PARTY?
Hi Jill, thanks and a very Happy Birthday to you
Have a great weekend, what part of Derbyshire are you going to?
hi andy
not going as i jhave a bladder infection
so am all alone on my birthday
sob sob no smiley face at the moment
lvoe jill
Just spotted your post. Poor you. I know how painful bladder infections are and how ill you feel. Please don't let your smiley faces go for long, especially now I have mastered them.
Hope you are not alone on your birthday, that would be rotten. If you felt better we could have had a party. Never mind, we can always have a belated one, as well as your flat moving one. Something to look forward to.
Take care and hope you feel better soon.
Sue Sorry couldn't resist. I am like a child with a new toy.
Hi Andy & All the troops,
usuall sat for me up to pub ,talk a lot of rubbish with drunken mates , stagger home about 5pm , if La is not picking me up, few glasses of wine the starshape on the carpet, .
Sunday going to see mother in troon, she is off to Florida next week for 6 weeks , so have to visit her befor she goes
take care
hii all
tjhanks fo rthe birthday wishes
sue: you have got the smiley face on
andy you too seeinn ur children
al a few drinks b4 closin time(5rp;m)
and me to a pub fo rthe weekend
(with a UTI for company)
p-s b ....r the football
l the rugby league is the thing and we lost last night to some french players
love jill
Oh dear was it Catalans Dragons they lost to?
yeah it was the dragons!
and a really dramatic finish too - onlhy bveen a fan for the last 4 yrs and never seen anything like it
but i shallgo to the next hoem match //.....
NOT going to the away match at Huddersfiedl next w/e
great news about yhoru job andy
lvoe jill
Well, the Reds gave you a fright last week, too!!
My Dad's family all came from Salford, I'm from Hulme, Manchester, so it is Salford(RL), Sale(RU) and Man U for me.
Looking forward to England v Wales today, should be a corker!
U rvfrom Salford.
My partner is a man u ffan too
Where r u now.live jill
Born in M/C in 1936, moved to Hampshire (joined IBM) in 1969, lived here ever since, but you don't forget your roots!
Reminds me of my most embarrassing event. On a visit back to M/c I took my brother to see Salford v St Helens at the Willows. Not being familiar with the much altered road network, I found myself on the old East Lancs, having missed the turnoff for Salford.. I couldn't turn around until I reached....St Helens!! Got back to the ground for the second half with a face to match the colour of Salford shirts!!
I think we lost, too!
Cheers, Peter
hi andy - we are HUGE rugby union fans so have we got aweek end of it here - thanks to sky !! Have a great week end and i am so plesed to hear about your job - phew !!
all this sport keeps me sane!
will wathch the match as i recorded it
lvoe jill
ps not going away now as i have a bladder infection
so i shall b on my own todya
close to the loo!
many htnaks foo rhte biirthday wishes
as it is a mild february day( and nto liek 66 ear sag o when i was almso tborn ini a snowdrift() spring is around the corner
daffs r nearly out
love jillxx
Same here in Wales Sasha . We are making the most of it . I have even cut the grass . I didn;t get round to it at the end of Autumn .. .. SO VERY PLEASED WITH MYSELF ....
I've been ten pin bowling with my kids. Had a great time although my youngest,Phoebe couldn't come as she's still at home with her mum she's got a tummy bug and has been throwing up bless her. Just having some quiet time at moment as we're all tired out! lol
Hi guys
Back home now after my day with kids....after the bowling we had lunch....then my eldest daughter Alyssa noticed my old dart board in my mums garage, so it was "oooh daddy can we play darts?" so later on I found my old darts and we had a couple of games...me, Alfie, Alyssa and my mum....kids are pretty good at it too! lol I even managed to get beat!......Oh the shame! lol
Anyway a good time was had by all......Oh and my youngest, Phoebe is much better now bless her
Andy xx
hi andy
you have had a great day wth yorur kids - do you only see them on a SATURDAY
Your mum and u must be tired out
so chill out ready for hte BIG SHEFFIELD FOOTY Tonorrow
i dont hav eto wach thqt - ia m a closet BORO fan!
lov ejill
Hi Jill
Yes since my divorce I only see them on a Saturday. My mum loves seeing them, It does tire her out but she never complains, they get spoilt rotten and my sister spoils them too....they`re the nearest thing she`ll ever get to having kids of her own! She`s a 47 yr old spinster!.......I could go on about my mum and sister...they`re like peas in a pod....I love em but my god they can both be real pains in the ass at times...very judgemental and they know nothing and assume everything if you know what I mean!...Oh and my sister will always be the golden child and me the dissapointing one!! but I digress....enough of my waffling on
Anyway hope toure having a nice day inspite of your bladder infection< Take care
Andy xx
How could you not be the golden child? Your mum obviously doesn't realise how lucky she is to have you. And you have three beautiful children as well. Sure all on the site appreciate you. I do. Who taught me to do a smiley face?
Face bit glum at the moment as my son is back in hospital. Wish someone could sort things out for him. Had a scan on Tuesday and this kicked off another kidney infection. Went straight to hospital fromwork last night and they kept him in. Misses his little girl and another baby due in July so he is pi**ed off at the moment as well as being very unwell.
Such is life. Have a good weekend.
hi andy
not a great birthday btu i had a reasonable night for sleep( only 3 bathroom "trips" and waking at 6am)
cat had breakfast and gone out 4 a bit so i may try and get a few more hours in
they r doing the site today so shall b in touch later!
thanks 4 yoru concern and of course we cna have a belated party next sat
love jill
Hope you have a better day today. Gutted you could not celebrate your birthday.
Will be lost without the site today. By the way, my son saw all my e-mails yesterday and nearly had a fit. I must get round to deleting them. He was really upset and, like his father, could not understand why I get such a lot from it. He thinks I spend too much time on it and I realised that he has not accepted my condition at all. He phoned me later and said he just could not bear to think of me and Parkinsons. I will really have my work cut out to get him to understand the importance of this site to me, what it gives me and that it is not at all morbid.
Wish me luck. Sorry I was hoping you felt better and I ended up talking about me. Know you will understand. Glad to seethe smiley face back.
I'm surprised that after reading your emails your son doesn't understand your need for the site. I'm trying to think of analogy with male-appeal. Maybe that it's a safety valve like in a heating system so that you can get rid of worries/anger/temper without taking it on the family. Or perhaps that it's a form of counselling - if your GP recommended counselling you'd be having it no questions asked. To me it's the step before joining a support group: I'm happy to share online or to Skype with individuals but I'm not actively looking to share my leisure time with people just because they have PD. On another note, I am conscious of the amount of time I spend on the computer, much of it on PD related sites. I don't want my family to feel pushed out - I'm aware that they might feel guilty about not having PD & thus impotent to help me (even though they are my mainstays).