Hello friends,
My husband Dx 5 years ago went to see his Neurologist for his check up last week.
We were told all was fine, and that he is doing very well considering he has this awful disease.
When I collected his prescription a few days ago I noticed that his Stalevo was double his normal strength, and informed the pharmacy who said this is on the prescrition sent by his GP.
We have recently moved, so I was assuming that this was an error, so just to confirm the Stalevo was the correct strength I contacted the Neuro's secretary to ask if this was the correct dose as the neuro said there was no change in his meds this time round.
The secretary sentme a copy of the letter that his Neuro had just sent to his new GP so I could look at the meds prescribed. The meds were as I thought, the new GP has prescribed the wrong strength.
The worry I now have is that I read the whole of this letter sent to our new GP from his Neuro, and it stated at the top as diagnosis
Probable idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
Recent right hemispheric stroke
There was no mention last week when we seen his neuro of any stroke???? I have sent his secretary a message to ask what this is as no one has mentioned this to us last week.
Does anyone know exactly what this means?
regards Gxxxxxxxx