how do many of you get around to stores etc? I have to use a walker for balance.
getting around: how do many of you get... - Cure Parkinson's
getting around

I am three years post diagnosis and had tremors for two years before that and loss of smell for ten years at least before the tremors started. I walk independently but on a bad day I am glad to have the shopping cart for support. The biggest problem is fatigue. I reserve my energy, which is best in the morning, for exercise classes at the gym, so any food shopping on my own is usually ay small order. My SO and I do the big weekly shopping together. For most everything else, I order online mostly. Stores are no fun anymore!
I have not reached that point, yet. I was wondering how it feels?

I use a walker because of constant dizziness. It has a seat, so I can sit down anytime and anywhere. The walker is my independence, giving me a much better life than I could have without it.
Got it. I was going to post about dizziness. Do you consider it caused by the Parkinson's? I've been told I'm dealing with two different issues?

Definitely caused by a combination of Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s meds. For me it is part of autonomic disfunction. This causes blood pressure to drop when standing, temperature disregulation and bowel and bladder problems.
I see. Mine is related to Vestibular problems. I wonder, though, if it's related to the Parkinson's or it seems to definitely effect my symptoms, especially movement and causes me more anxiety. Thanks for sharing.
I started with balance issues very early in my PD diagnosis and cannot walk any distance outside on my own. I tire easily even with help so rely on a wheelchair for any long periods of sightseeing etc. I’m afraid my shopping trips are few if my hubby is taking me as he has his own regime now doing the shopping and shoots through the supermarket at great speed and by the time I see something I may want to look at, we are at the check out!!! Don’t get me wrong, he is my rock and I don’t know how I would cope without him, but it’s much better when my daughter takes me as we browse together at a gentle pace without any rush,!!
Starting ' Stop Falling' classes tomorrow in the UK, anyone tried these.?
Sorry, the classes are called 'Staying Steady,