Do any of you think 🤔 its possible to stop the tremors by willing them to stop?
Tremors : Do any of you think 🤔 its... - Cure Parkinson's

I am early stage. Given that, my tremor stops when I pay conscious attention to the affected part. It is the unconscious position maintenance system that introduces the tremor, and conscious attention takes it out of the loop.
I’m not too bad when Im calm, but anytime I go anywhere and it doesn’t matter where.. they are really bad. Sometimes I notice them and others I don’t. But I just wanted to get your opi
In the early stages yes. I managed to fool myself and the medical examiner by saying ,,"'yes I can stop my shaking by just looking it," and it stopped ."
park_bear I know you told me the difference between ET and PD regarding tremor. In my case is backwards then yours. My tremor starts when my attention (focus) goes to the affected arm (right side) and stops when my focus goes away and forget about it. On neuro dr. told me the same thing you told me (is ET) but two motion disorder doctors who told me I have PD could not give me an explanation. Actually one asked me: "how you know the tremor stopped if the attention went away?". I know because when my attention comes back there is no tremor for about 30-60 seconds; the tremor starts after focusing at my arm for a while. Also, I noticed, even in those conditions, the tremor diminishes when I just fully relax (like I put the hand in neutral - similar to a car). But on the other hand the tremor happens when at rest (no motion initiated, just holding the hand "in gear" against the gravity, ready to move). When I move it then the tremor reduces amplitude if I hold nothing in my hand. But if I hold something heavy like a suitcase then the tremor amplitude goes big. If I have a spoon with food and move it towards the mouth the shake increases as getting closer to the mouth and when I stop. If I execute the same motion without holding a spoon the tremor amplitude is smaller. Also I noticed that moving my hand back and forth is relaxing and the same happens when exercising with weights or walking. When tired or stressed I have some tremor in the right side foot (it happened less than 10 times in 4 months) but my arm tremor goes away, probably because my focus goes to the foot. I do not have any other PD symptoms excepting some random tingling which goes away with exercising. Also a 1-2 glasses of wine calm down the tremor but not 100% which happens with ET. One doctor said the PD tremor is asymmetrical, while ET is symmetrical.
I wish the diagnostic you gave me is right, ET instead PD. Some people have both. Maybe reading the other people posts will help me to figure out.
Yes, in the early stages the PD tremor is asymmetrical, and happens at rest and disappears when the limb is engaged. So on the affected side I can bring a spoon to my mouth without tremor. But leave that hand on the keyboard and attend elsewhere it starts typing.
The other strong indication is whether or not levodopa helps.
When I am in bed, my right hand tremor makes it necessary for me to "will" it, but that is only temporary calming of the tremor. Does not always work.
Previous to my current degree of tremor, when my tremor was more aggressive, my wife would massage my arm. The massage did not stop tremor but put me in a relaxed state and then sleep stopped the tremor.
Before I stopped taking C/L, I would have occasions when there was no tremor for a few minutes at bedtime, being 4 - 5 hours after my dose of C/L.

I am fascinated. you stopped taking c/l. How did you come to this decision and what did you do instead.
Park meds lead to other symptoms which lead to additional Park meds. It is reported that after five years on high dose C/L, 40% of these acquire dyskinesia.
I felt so much relief/improvement after starting B1 therapy, (see my Profile) last week I stopped C/L. It seems to reduce my improvement somewhat. I may have to start C/L again.

Hello RoyProp
I believe I have read that dyskinesia is a part of the progression PD and is not a result of using C/L. Correct me if i am wrong.
I can stop my tremor when I think about it. When I am out and about I can’t do this because I have to consciously think of all the other things I have to do.
That’s how I am like with so many of you..I can relate. That’s why I wanted to ask.
NO I wish
I meditate (deep, slow breathing) for 30 minutes in the morning. When I start, intentionally begin to relax, my tremor usually gets worse, i.e., resting tremor. It's on my left side and will sometimes go up to my head. However as I continue to relax more deeply with the slow breathing, my tremor all but disappears. Also early stage.
It has been my experience, as I’ve gone from the beginning stages of PD to, at least, stage 3, that early on, I had more willpower control over tremor, primarily essential tremor, depending upon stress levels., I started out with essential tremor on one side, that spread to both sides, after a few years. Then a resting tremor set in on one side, that I was unable to control. With a Sinemet trial run, set up by the neurologist, the resting tremor all but disappeared, and that was how I was diagnosed with PD. Additionally, I had muscle stiffness, impaired walking, cogwheel rigidity in all four limbs, my handwriting had turned into a scribble, and I had freezing episodes, where I fell forward, unable to stop myself, and ended up with blunt force trauma and concussion. On Sinemet, plus another medicine, with timing just right, I have most of the tremors under control. They do return, if I don’t take my medicine on a timely basis, for whatever reason. Occasionally, I have an off time when I have resting tremor, primarily if I’m under a lot of stress.
Yes but tremors fairly slight and infrequent in right hand only as still in early stage, can start them at will also! Also find that if they are difficult to stop mentally I can make them stop by increasing the tremor in my hand faster and more pronounced until muscles tire or surplus energy used up (while mentally saying "OK if you want to shake I'll give you shaking!!")
Funny story.....I was in a buffet line this thanksgiving at my sister in laws home. Everyone at the gatherings knows I have PD so it wasn’t a stressful atmosphere. When I got to the mashed potatoes I dug in grabbing a big scoop and all of a sudden my right hand started flailing and the potatoes when all over other guests, the walls and all over me......we all laughed and my mother wife, god bless her, picked it all up. Just a funny moment I want wanted to share. The moral of this story is I cannot control when or where this will happen. I do know once your hand starts a cadence forget about it you won’t be able to stop the shaking.
Shake on people and stay calm!!
That is too funny 😂..but what touched me more is they laughed with you and you were able to laugh with them
On another funny note, don't put your hand in your pocket to hide the tremor. If people don't know you have PD it looks really bad for your hand to be shaking in your front pocket. Whenever my husband and I are out, I usually hold the hand that shakes and that helps too. He never shakes when sleeping, only when stressed.
After reading all these posts I'm very confused if I have ET or PD or both. My tremor slows down if I fully disconnect my hand from the system (like putting a car in neutral) in a fully relaxed state. As soon as I put it back in gear, even without moving, the tremor starts and I cannot control. Sometimes the tremor stays while moving but I feel better if I move the hand back and forth. It is called postural tremor which can happen for both ET and PD. The single symptom for PD would be the tremor in the right foot toes which happened few times when I was very tired while stopped in the arm. I do not have other PD symptoms at this time.
I would like to know what do you think.
Thank you.
I don't think there's anything simple about this disorder. I don't have the tremor in my hands although my right foot can start up, unless I look at it and then it stops. Don't forget PD used to be considered simply a movement disorder. That qualification is changing all the time as it is discovered how complicated it truly is and how vast the symptoms. Perhaps someday it will be understood, but not yet. My hands tend to shake if I'm reaching for something or trying to do something when I don't want them to shake. And of course, stress exacerbates all the symptoms!
Some people here say they can control the tremor and they can stop it but they have it when they focus to something else. in my case is backwards. One of the doctors who told me I have PD asked me to stretch my hands forward and asked me to stop the tremor. I could not and he told me that's PD.
If I put my hand in my pocket and relax it there is no tremor. I realized PD is a very complex disease. I saw 5 doctors and the score was 2.5-2.5 ET vs PD.
I have trouble using a fork or a spoon or a knife when using the bad hand.
That’s what I’m wondering about controlling them. When I sit on it my hand it does seem to calm down. Every one is so different with this as we’ve all mentioned before.
Is there a test for Dementia if I go see my neurologist? My mother passed away from Alzheimer’s last year.. I don’t know if my memory is horrible because of Parkinson’s, meds or exhausted from insomnia.. 2-3 hrs a sleep a night
For me it is a question of hand placement. If the tremor is light I can adjust my arm in such away that the muscle that is causing the tremor relaxes, if my tremor is out of my control I will sit on my hand.
Our bodies are powerful. We need to support our body. The seventh Day adventist are vegan and they dont have the illness us that develop get.
Read Update Magnesium on google. Everyday I take 400mg of citrate Magnesium
"seventh Day Events"....that is funny
I find that if I concentrate real hard lt will stop especially if I held it.laughter does help check out my humor blog.parkinsonsticklingmyfunnybo...
Has anyone been told by their dr not to drive because they might "freeze" behind the wheel ? I haven't had any freezing episodes myself, but the possibility concerns me.
Tremor gets worse when stressed or chilly (inflated shivering)
Relaxation, meditation helps
Sinemet, DopaBean seem to help
If tremors are noticed, the more I "tell" them to stop, the worse they get
Trying to learn to distract myself from tremors by daydreaming about something else
cannabis helps with distraction
stress relief squeeze ball helps
What is stressing you?
If you can eliminate the fear
are PD symptoms reduced?
If I change positions, it has stopped