Seeing people's posts about being devastated at their PD diagnosis, made me to reflect on my own journey. I was diagnosed this March, just 3 weeks after my dearest friend passed away from cancer. Seeing her turning from a strong, vibrant, funny, playful woman into someone looking like being released from a concentration camp (just in 4 months) was absolutely heartbreaking. However, she faced her illness with such faith and emotional strength, completely trusting God with her life, setting example for everyone who was fortunate to know her, that this terribly painful experience helped me to accept my diagnosis with peace.
There is a quote written by someone which keeps on coming into my mind in times of trials:
"How do you build a life so that when you hit an iceberg you don't collapse like the Titanic? How do you do that?"
And the truth is that sooner or later every human being will have to face "an iceberg" in their lives, it's only a matter of time. So it's good to be prepared by learning from other people's experiences, building up yourself spiritually (this helps me immensely) and meanwhile be thankful for every moment we are allotted to live in this world which is temporary. Just being aware that we are temporary beings clinging to this temporary world helps me see (in moments of weakness) how futile is to be upset about my diagnosis.