I was told today that I can stop my shuffling if I put my mind to it. I’m really trying , but it’s not working... have anybody tried this? Do you think it’s possible to stop shuffling? I would love to stop!
Shuffling: I was told today that I can stop... - Cure Parkinson's

That is totally ridiculous. Do not listen to people who say things like that. Your gait is neurologically directed. Exercising and taking supplements which help the neurological system will help you overall as will the Proper medication...
Which Supplements? I’ve been really trying, but it’s not working. I walk 3 miles a day, what exercises are you doing
CoQ-10 is alleged to help. NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) has been shown to help. I take both. Really can't tell if they have made any difference, but my condition has been stable.
My doc said you'd have to take about 125 mg. of NAC three times a day to cross the blood-brain barrier.
That’s quite a bit, isn’t it. There are so many different opinions on this..I’ve ordered the book on exercises, but for now I’m going to stay with what my Neurologist says and also continue with the exercises. I’m on so many meds for different medical that I have
Who told you that? I am speechless on your behalf.
12m, This may seem a little off the target addressing the problem of shuffling, but it worked/works for me. Assuming that you are able to arise from your bed in the morning and shuffle into the day's activity, try this as your first "order of business". Select a doorway, in your home, which is wide enough so you can the just touch the doorframes on either side while standing in the middle of the doorway. Now, from standing in the military "attention" position, bend or bend/squat at the waist, reaching for your toes while breathing out normally. When you have achieved your best exhale and downward reach, return to the upright position, but don't stop there. Continue raising your arms upward, now reaching toward the top of the doorway while drawing in a breath of morning fresh air. You may find, as I did, that your nighttime of sleep has left you somewhat less than totally refreshed and capable. The inhale is not through. Now, from your upward- reaching upright position, move your hands out, as close to the corners of the doorframe as possible, still inhaling, then exhale while returning them down the frame to the starting position at your waist. These exercises may seem to have little to do with a shuffling gait, but try it. You may find, as I did, that 4 to 5 minutes in a doorway starts your day gets rid of much of the tendency toward stoop shoulders and the other effects of shuffling.
Wishing you well
Thank you so much! I definitely will try this!
Having said that your advisor was wrong about mind over matter on shuffling, I will put it another way...it is a neuro problem and just making up your mind to stop shuffling will not help. But you can be helped a lot with that by working with professionals In a LSVT (Big and Loud) program at the outpatient rehab of you local hospital. A great program.
I find myself shuffling when in the house, especially first thing. I think its partly a spacial thing - I am waiting for the day when I can't get through the door without employing tricks to fool my brain IRonns method of starting off the day sounds a winner to me. The other factor is Mr.P has had full reign over our body during the night and a conscious effort to straighten up before moving off. will help as well.. Nordic walking is also good for lengthening the stride and making you walk more uprightly. In case this sounds as if I approve of your friends unqualified comment I don't. I wonder if she has seen you sometimes walk more normally. People don't understand the fluctuating nature of PD and the meds.
Yes it is possible to stop shuffling. Here are my videos:
Look at my profile for more information.
I do some ReGen exercises, however, when you are 'off' it is more challenging. I do find saying the command or thinking the command as I am doing the movement helps. Thinking 'big' exaggerating movements are good for PD. Also very slow walking on a treadmill with a mirror can help you with the individual elements that allow us all to walk e.g. Lifting your knees, pushing your hips forward, extending your stride etc. Marching is good. It is hard, just keep trying and just keep going. Good luck

Thank you so much!
Hi there. Have you ever been taught any 'think big' strategies?
What do you mean?
I would highly recommend LSVT BIG, both as a therapist and as a daughter of someone with PD. It takes effort and practice but yes you can override a shuffling gait. Your first port of call should be a physio or OT specialising in PD. They should be able to recommend the best program for you. Good luck!
I am certified in Delay the Disease. I teach classes and train one on one. It absolutely can be reversed with regular daily practice. This is a habit and not something that has to happen.
Practice taking super big steps with big arm swings. If you take 10,000 small steps a day, what do you get good at? Make them big!
To help with this, you could put blocks or even just tape on the floor as targets and reminders to lift the feet as if you were stepping over something.
You can check out YouTube videos of David Zid explaining his technique. You can find a Delay the Disease instructor or personal trainer in your area by going to their website:
Also might try this: David Zid taught us to practice by walking across the room while counting the steps, then walk back across the room using 1/2 as many steps and using big exaggerated arm swings. Yelling the number of steps out loud also helps to retrain the voice to be louder. My husband and I had some fun doing this together and yelling it out!
My husband has Parkinson's and has done the Big and Loud Program - this is a 3 week 4 days a week program that helps you in so many ways including BIG walking. Everything is exaggerated so it makes you think BIG. Like the other person said, Google it and it will be explained. Good luck!
In physical therapy they taught me to walk with "heels first." I feel that it has helped immensely. Yes, I often have to think about walking and what to do when I am walking, but it has made a big difference for me.
Awsome! This is so encouraging.. the depression has been really bad the last month and I’m really trying very hard to stay positive.. yesterday it finally kicked in!
Everybody is Shuffling....
( the Big and Loud Program )
Brilliant ! but if I tried that I would be flat on my back in no time at all.
You have to work up to it. It took me at least 3 weeks. LoL
I’m glad you warned me... so I won’t be jump ropping
I can't figure out how to edit my post, because I'm a newbie, but wanted to add that the therapy I did was LSVT Big.
Have you tried music? I have improved my walking by marching to music with a good beat (vary tempo to suit). Make sure both heels are down on the floor to start, and the heel down first at every step. Swing your arms too.
Walking app from Beats Medical (Ireland) <beatsmedical.com>
Also see Twitter, @OutThinkingPD.
When you start to shuffle stop think about walking your next step stride out heel down keep going thinking about each big step it does work but you have to concentrate. Make sure you are getting regular exercise as well to keep muscle mass I horse ride regularly you have to keep moving with this damm disease if you stop you drop !!!!
Thank you! I’m in horse therapy and my goal is to learn to ride. I really love the time I spend with the horse and staff. My balance is so off but it will come in time! Walking him has gotten easier!
Have you ridden a long time?
I've ridden all my life love it so much it keeps me strong and helps my coordination because you have to be balanced and react quickly to certain situations I fell off last November well was thrown and broke my ankle clean off but 2 operations and a year later I'm back in the saddle my ankle is nearly as good as new with no physio except riding. People think I'm mad because I push boundaries on my horses jumping them hunting but I need to feel normal I hate what this disease has done to me it's stolen my dreams but I will continue to fight back while ever I have breath in me !!!!!
I find that I'm shuffling in the mornings or when my medication is wearing off or hasn't kicked in. At these times I talk myself to lifting my legs consciously and the shuffling stops. I also find that I can walk much better if I am in open space rather than in my house. If my conscious mind is not helping, then I try and copy the way the person in front of me walks.
The demand on your cognitive skills is very high when you want to consciously do something like walking - ie lift your legs, swing your arms, put heels down first, relax your hips, take big strides, breathe, push your shoulders back, straighten your posture, try and look up, develop a rythmn, etc
I also have dyskenisea which is erratic - some days are good and some bad. Again I try consciously to halt it but it can be difficult.
The important fact of life for those of us with Parkinson's is the need for exercise. If we stay sedentary, we start losing muscles, muscle tone and muscle strength. Our physical ability diminishes along with our ability to do things ourselves. We start losing our independence and increase our need for help from others. Regular exercise is what has helped me and I cannot over emphasise its importance. As little as 15 to 20 minutes every day makes a lot of difference. You can even do the seated version if standing is difficult.
If you can't bear to exercise on your own, get an exercise buddy who will encourage and motivate you be it to attend a gym, play some sports, do yoga, Pilates and such like or play games,on the Wii. You can also exercise in front of the TV following a variety of such programmes on Utube. Today, given the technology we have and the knowledge we have about keeping fit and healthy, we really have no excuse for not keeping on the right side of our Parkinson's. I wish all of my fellow sufferers well and hope that you fight the good fight and take control of you Parkinson's.