Has anyone tried ashwagandha root powder? If so for what?. I'm still trying to find macuna powder in Canada. Only amazon has it but it's really expensive. Banyan has it but shipping is 40 dls US which brings the price up from 14 dls for the macuna to 53.00. Any ideas?
What is ashwagandha good for? And macuna... - Cure Parkinson's
What is ashwagandha good for? And macuna extract...can't seem to find it at a reasonable price.

I take something called Protandim & it has 4 herbs in it & one is Ashwagandha. Below is what I found on the internet....
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, has a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to fight against cancer and diabetes, as well as reduce inflammation, arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism. Furthermore, it boosts your supply of antioxidants and regulates the immune system.
You may want to read Webmd also.....
This is part of what Webmd stated....
o Parkinson’s disease. Preliminary research suggests that a combination of herbs including ashwagandha improves Parkinson’s symptoms. The effect of ashwagandha alone in Parkinson’s is unknown.
Try bulksupplements.com
Check out Natural Life Center on Facebook for mucuna powder.
Instagram: @naturallifemiami
I take 3gm of Ashvagandha ith 6gms of Fresh MP for last one year.The on period starts within 15 minutes.It is a good combination
I'll try that...where do you buy ashvsguanda. How long is the on time when you take it with MP? Thanks in advance. Bev
I get fresh MP from Arya Vaidya Shala Kottakka for 3months i.e 1Kg costing around $10 in INDIA.Their brand name is ATMAGUPTA CHURNA.Two tsp morning and evening.
Many suppliers in India available for AShwagandha like Patanjali,Dabur,Dharmastala etc
Walmart ships mucuna 1 lb powder for free, but don't know if that includes Canada - walmart.com/ip/Organic-Mucu...
Hi tarz, thanks alot. I'll order some. I see they don't ship to Canada but I have a friend that will get it for me. Do you know how much to take? I take macuna puriens by Now inbetween my sinamet. So this will be a big help. Bev
Beverly, it seems that our body chemistry varies so much between individuals, that it is difficult, at best, to recommend the amount you should take. I had to experiment for about 2 weeks to discover what amount seemed to work best for me. And remember, for best results this experimenting should be done on an empty stomach.
And also the mucuna works best when taken together with matcha green leaf tea powder.
I'll buy that too. Great tips. Anything natural that works we all need to know about. Thank you!
I received my macuna yesterday and tried 1/2 teaspoon mixed in water last night. I used the scoop they sent with the powder, it looks like a tablespoon. It helped me sleep better but didn't seem very strong when taken yesterday afternoon. It's pure brown powder from Amazon from India. Anyone have any idea about how much levadopa would be in 1/2 tablespoon of this macuna powder or any brown macuna powder? Thankyou in advance and thankyou for this wonderful, invaluable group!