Who has non tremor just slow motor. What ... - Cure Parkinson's
Who has non tremor just slow motor. What are you taking?
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I only get any kind of tremor when tired and under stress, I do however go into what I call "shutdown mode" and slow to a stop.
I take ropinirole (5mg x 3) and levodopa/benserazide (100mg/25mg x 5), so that I can continue to work I start my day at 04:00 hrs with the first levodopa then when I get into work or log on at home at 07:00 hrs the first of the ropinirole and 2 x levodopa, Then it is levadopa at 10:00 hrs, ropinirole at 13:00 hrs, levodopa at 16:00 hrs, ropinirole at 19:00 hrs and levodopa at 22:00.
It sort of works unless I get very tiried when nothing seems to work.
well i have to say that nothing has worked for me - i must have a form of parkinsons which does not respond to any levadopa or anything else
I have no tremor. I have stiffness and dystonia. I take sinemet and sinemet CR. Hope you get some relief soon.
carbadopa/levadopa ER 25/100 @ 7am and 3PM.
Phasing out Azile$t.
Saw my PD specialist yesterday, and he took me off the 6 sinemet I was taking every day, I don't think it was working very well. No bad reaction yet. Think he may start me on something else soon.
I have slowness lightheadedness, and poor balance but minimal tremors. Started azilect before it was approved in 2003. Stopped it in 5-11 for a datscan but restarted it this week. Also take c-l dopa every 3 hrs 4-5 times a day. Get slower when it wears off but also fearful and depressed... worse than the slowness.
I don't have a tremor I shut down too, but I call it hitting a brick wall I take carb/Levo100/25 every 2 hrs. unless I forget to take it, then I feel it in my feet, sort of a vibration and it hits me through out my body I can hardly move and i get shortness of breath. It's awful, this disease.
That's the same I'm taking .
I don't have a tremor and take carb/levo 25/100 (1 1/2 tablets 4 times a day). However, I like Shasta, don't really feel that it works for me. So, my plan is just to stay on this dosage for as long as I can. Symptoms would have to get much worse before I let them increase my dosage again. Hope and pray that's a while into the future.
I dont take anything as yet and feel much better than most on meds..just a little stiffness in ome wrist and ankle, littlemuscle weakness and cramps in some exercises..trying alternatives, herbal, diet, homeopathy, kinesiology..mercury detox etc ..
I have been taking sinemet for a couple years. I can't really say that it helped much. It didn't seem to do much of anything. My new neurologist said if it wasn't doing anything, to try to go without it for a week. It's been four days and I feel quite good. Yesterday I did take 2 sinemet as I was really feeling quite terrible - tired and poor balance. By evening and today I've been feeling fine. Balance still not good. So maybe carbadopa/levadopa isn't the right medication.
thats very interesting Owenbob. My husband has been on Sinemet plus and CR at night for 5 years now also Rotigtine patches . I have never ever seen much difference although I did think the Patch has help his mental..mood concentration .. I have often felt like stopping them to see what happened but am afraid .. I have alwsys been of the opinion that it is worth trying anything not much to lose , can always stop if it causes problems ..