Hi all. Has anyone used clozipine for PD psychosis? Hubby has used nuplazid and seroquel with no relief. Using CBC oil with good results when it comes to his appetite. Dr. Wants to try this and I'm a little scared. Thanks.
Clozapine: Hi all. Has anyone used... - Cure Parkinson's

Hi. I use clozapine for schizophrenia. This tablet is only used when other medicines fail. I used seroquel & haloperidol but they were no good.

Do you also have PD? Any side effects?
Hi. No I don't suffer pd. I have depression & schizophrenia. The clozapine causes difficulty in my speech it also caused me to collapse onto the floor. I reduced my dose to 225 mgs at bedtime. I'm supposed to take 100 mgs in the morning but I don't take it.

It's prescribed in much smaller dose for PD. But it still makes me nervous.thank you for your honest reply.
Havent had this problem myself ....yet but i know there are limited choices.
There are now three antipsychotic medications that are considered safe for people with PD. These medications are pimavanersin (NuplazidTM) which is new and depends where you live if it is available, clozapine (Clozaril ®) and quetiapine (Seroquel)
Thanks for the reply. Nuplazid and seroquel not working. We will try clozepine next week. He's only 60. Way too young for all the hell he's gone thru with this disease. But, he's a tough sob so we will press on. Best of health to you😀