Taking one in morn. One at lunch....was actually helping with hand tremor. Had to stop it..ankles started swelling. Anyone else take this?
Amantadine: Taking one in morn. One at... - Cure Parkinson's

I've been taking amantadine since 2013, along with C/L, ropinirole, and methylphenidate. For me, amantadine was extremely effective for the first few months, with efficacy gradually becoming less apparent. I still take 100 mg twice per day.
Swollen ankles - many of our meds do this unfortunately. It doesnt always mean we have to stop the med, depends how swollen. Sometimes changing timing of med or smaller dose could help.
Haven't had swollen ankles, but the darn fool medication hasn't done a thing for me that I can perceive.
Hi I take one amantadine in am and one in pm with everything else I'm taking I honestly could not say exactly what effect it has. I'm on nine Sinemet plus two and a half venlefaxine three clonazepam 500 microgram sinemet cr 50/200tabs lansoprazole amantadine 100 mg and tamsulosin 400. I can't sleep at night but I do during the day weird,,,with all of these meds I have no tremor but am weak on left side mostly. All the best
Had to stop taking it, as I was getting multiple bladder and/or kidney infections. i couldn't figure out why suddenly and for 2 years I was getting them. At one of my visits with a new med nurse, she said that perhaps I should not be taking the Amantadine then, as it causes urine retention. I stopped taking it immediately, that was over a year ago and not one infection since.
Was taking 1/2 Azilect generic and at end of 2 week period experienced painful ankle and feet swelling (edema) and was told to stop taking but wonder if going the next step 1 whole pill each day would clear it up?
Yes, I have taken it for years along with my other meds. No side affects.
I take amantadine 100 mg three times a day, along with 8 mg ropinirole once a day and 25/100 C/L three times a day. Not sure if any of them actually do anything. The amantadine does cause blotches on my legs. The tremors continue to occur more frequently and stronger, can't tell if they would be even worse without the medications. They do leave me nauseous every morning, sometimes for a few hours. I try to get over it in time for my 10:15 AM gym class.
All those meds and they donor help? I turned down senetmit spelled wrong...because afraid i would get dykinsia. Ive only tried the admantedine two 100 mg a day. But started yesterday..one a day til i stop it after a week neuro said if i wanted because ankles started swelling . appt. With neuro on 19 th. I guess they will try putting me on another poison. Thats what meds are anyway. I just have a bad right side tremor. That is...so far...which is bad enough.
Tremor is in my hand
That is my main problem, a right hand tremor.
I know its terrible..and embrassing. Im so tired of it. What do you take for it?
Sinimet and amatadine
Side effects?
No drug is without side effects but the disease symptoms are worse for me. Ive taken been on meds 9 years.
What age bracket are you, makes a difference to med reactions?
66. I rather have medical cannabis it is not legal here. At least it is natural. I very against prescription drugs. Never have taken them til i decided to try this admantedine. Sure enough developed a side effect. I never even was diagnosed with pd. But prescribed a pd drug.
Well dyskinesia is more of a problem for younger onset pd but if you can find something else that works, go for it.
There is more information on here if you do a search. (I dont have noticable dyskenesis.)
My husband had been taking Amantidine for about 4 years. and just recently starting having hallucinations. They stopped his Amantidine and he stopped having the hallucinations in a few days.
I found it very strange that he was fine with it for all that time and suddenly gets the hallucinations.