I'm new to this discussion. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago. I work hard at maintaining a healthy life sty.e and am doing fairly well. I have started a supplement called AtreMorine and seem to be doing so much better I have almost dropped using Carbidopa-Levodopa. Has anyone else been down this road?
AtreMorine: I'm new to this discussion. I... - Cure Parkinson's

No, but it sounds interesting. What symptoms did you have & in what way did it help you? Do you take any other supplements?
I have taken Atremorine and yes it helps. It is a natural dopamine from fava beans like macuna. The problem is that you don't know what dose you're taking and no one can tell me if the side affects are the same as synthetic dopamine or sinamet. Does anyone have the facts?
I take it for the last 2 months 7.5gr @morning. For me, it is better than L-C. The only minus - the restrictions how to take it. no liquid! Only yogurt.
I was diagnosed 2 yrs ago with pd. Taking carbidopa but it's not helping me with severe vertigo. I'm about ready to look for another neurologist.
I am in touch with Atremorine and we are going to try a six person trial soon. It appears to be a positive product with no side effects. However if you are already taking high levels of leva dopa via normal medication, you have to reduce those, to take on the Atremorine. It isn not a very exact process. positiveparkinsons.com is generally a very helpful site.
If dyskinesia is caused by dopamine overload and there is no way to know how much L-Dopa you're adding, might we find out after a few years that AtreMorine brings on dyskinesia quicker and more severely?