ADHD/OCD and Parkinson's?: Hi All, has... - Cure Parkinson's

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ADHD/OCD and Parkinson's?

Lynnie1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi All, has anyone in our community been diagnosed with ADD/OCD as well as Parkinson's? My PWP Ron has always been OCD and ADHD as far back as I can remember, which is 43 years. I know we need to find a doc who has more knowledge regarding cognitive issues, but he just can't focus at all some days. We go to the Rock Steady Boxing classes three days a week, and he can't follow instructions sometimes. Today was the worst day. And he gets very unhappy with himself. Then he gets defensive. I hate to see this, and I'm his "Corner Man", so I need to be next to him all the time, when I'm so distressed myself, and would just like to step back. This is us, but it's sideways 😝

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Lynnie1 profile image
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13 Replies
moonswife profile image
moonswife husband also is exhibiting signs of OCD lately. In fact, it is getting much worse, as winter turns to spring. He is obsessed with finishing projects....often wanting to go to his shop as early as 6 am. He over exerts, and spends most of the next day in bed. He seems unable to process the cause/effect relationship of exhaustion. This morning it was the garden. A week of unseasonably warm temperatures has him preparing the tomato garden area for planting. (but at 6:30 in the morning at 49 degrees. By lunch it was 79). He is inspired he said because he is still picking beefsteak tomatoes from last years 4th of July planting. He puts one variety in every week from March 1 to July 4. Two years ago we gave away over 5000 and froze the rest for ourselves. He said "I am going for 7000 this year" Why? I can hardly look neighbors in the face any more so I drop bags of late at night. And Lemons! Good thing they are easy to squeeze and freeze. And yes, like Ron, he gets very agitated when he cannot figure out something lately. Best to both of you.

adrienneb profile image
adrienneb in reply to moonswife

Moonswife, that sounds a lot like the compulsive behavior that can be a side effect of dopamine agonist medication. What medication is he on? Please get him to your neurologist as soon as possible, so his med can be adjusted!

Dylpup profile image
Dylpup in reply to moonswife

I see a lot of impulsive behavior in my husband who has had PD for 13 years. He gets an idea for an errand and is out the door in 30 seconds through out the day. On the other hand he becomes anxious during off times. Both could be the same behavior that plays out in different ways depending on his physical state. I can also see a loss of ability to organize and stay on task. In my opinion this behavior has escalated with dyskinesia due to prolonged use of Carbidopa/Levodopa. But he has been able to stay active for all these years--hopes to ski yet this spring, does boxing, pole walking, belongs to a seniors hiking group. Neither of us would have traded the dyskinesia for years of lost activity due to bradykinesia.

He is the third generation in his family to have PD. Needless to say I am concerned about son (40+ years old) and grandson (6). Son has had ADHD--inattentive variety more than hyperactive--since adolescence. ADHD is also related to a dopamine problem. Both are difficult illnesses to live with in their own ways.

I have heard of others with PD who have ADHD. I think better understanding of the brain will reveal whether there is a connection in these illnesses.

Hoffman123 profile image

In 2008 I was on Requip and gambled away almost $100,000! After the Neurologist said it had nothingto do with the medication I Googled and discovered thousands on that med experiencing compulsive behavior. Thank God I found the cause and since being on different meds I don't gamble anymore. Jesus saved my marriage, restored the $100,000 among other things. So glad that is behind me!!

Burlingtongal profile image
Burlingtongal in reply to Hoffman123

Hoffman123, that's the first thing my neuro told me about Requip when I started taking it. Thank God you got your life straightened out. Jesus can do that!

Frida12 profile image

My husband has had Pd for 13 yrs and never took agonists...just used sinemet.

During the last 6 mo he has become over focused on different tasks he thinks are important and I can't get him to stop. He does too much and then can't function because his back is so sore. He doesn't make the cause effect connection. He sometimes tries to organize my stuff and then I can't find stuff. I get angry and that is the only thing that stops him. Then I am constantly stressed out. There is no balance and seems like that isn't going to change. I try to keep myself busy with things outside the house but I feel like I have to keep coming home to make sure things are ok.

I guess these are common occurrences with this disease.

Thankfully our 4 kids and there families have moved back to town so we see them on the weekend. I count my blessings and try keep myself going.

These group postings are very helpful.

Thanks to everyone!

Enidah profile image

Hats off to all the caregivers who day after day find another reservoir of patience and caring in the toughest situations. I have been caring for my 95 year old mother, who is suddenly doing better, she is amazing, and it has given me a whole new perspective on the boundless mental and physical resources required for caregiving. It isn't even the physical as much as the mental because always a good portion of my brain is with her and how she is doing and what the future might hold. We know it's healthy to live in the now but try to apply that when you're taking care of an ill and/or elderly person.

paddyfield profile image
paddyfield in reply to Enidah

Another medical word for repetitive obsessive behaviour is "punding". GooglingParki nsons and punding might give you a few answers

horsplay profile image

I have ADD, I take adderall for it. The adderall also helps for the chronic fatigue that I was feeling.

Lynnie1 profile image
Lynnie1 in reply to horsplay

Thanks, horsplay , Ron has so many thoughts running through his brain that he freezes and gets overwhelmed and then gets discouraged and mad at himself! Did you have that?

HeartSong profile image

I will echo Burlingtongal and Hoffman123 about Jesus. He keeps me centered. I have both ADD and OCH tendencies. When I'm feeling off-center and either out of focus or hyper- focused, I know that if I read the Bible and pray for a few minutes, it will bring me back to my center and give me a fresh perspective. I've experienced this many times over the last few years.

Lynnie1 profile image
Lynnie1 in reply to HeartSong

Burlingtongal HeartSong Hoffman123 Ron used to walk 3-4 miles a day, and pray a lot. He has a disabled son that he cares for at home, except for a few hours a day when he goes to adult daycare, so that now tires him out more because he can't focus like he used to. Eric takes a lot of work. But Ron does need to get back to praying more, and I'm going to show him your posts. Thank you all!

RobertoOcana profile image

For a long time i have been think about writing this post.

I was dx with ADD when i was in my 20 (now 82) and took ritalin for about 5 years and learned how to lead a very successful productive live. Was dx with pd about 5 years ago and now on c/l. Now i wonder if my cognitive problems are due to ADD or PD or "old age" or to a combination thereof?.

Any lights in the tunnel?.

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