Hi. Are there certain PD symptoms that CBD oil is particularly good at blunting and similarly, are there symptoms that it's NOT worth taking it for? Any why does it have to be so bloody expensive here in the UK?!
CBD oil and symptom relief: Hi. Are there... - Cure Parkinson's
CBD oil and symptom relief

Hi Jeeves,
My husband has not yet been diagnosed with PD, but he has REM Sleep Disorder which gives him a good chance of developing PD. He has had REM Sleep Disorder since he was 52. He is now 63 which is when we've been told you can expect to start seeing signs of PD.
He has been taking CBD oil brand name Charlotte's Web which is quite expensive. He takes this twice a day. He also takes CBN pills from Mary Medicinal which helps him sleep during the night which was an impossible task without taking medications that leave you like a zombie most mornings.
Since he has been on CBD oil, his anxiety is all but gone, his depression all but gone, his blood pressure lower below normal. He is happy and I thanks God for cannabis.
The CBD oil that he takes is low in THC and high in the Cannabinoid. We order from the Stanley Brothers in Colorado. We get 5000mg which is the strongest they make. It is quite expensive but if you can find something like this in the UK I think you will see a change. If you are having problems sleeping at night the CBN capsules by Mary Medicinal also keep in sleeping. You might do some research on the CBN capsules as well. Any questions get back to me. Laura
Thanks very much Laura. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.