I'm 47. I was diagnosed 2years ago finally after years of searching. I've responded to meds quite well and have become an advocate and spokesperson. I've started doing mud races and challenging myself more than ever.
This sucks but it could be worse! - Cure Parkinson's
This sucks but it could be worse!

Welcome to the forum. There are a lot of knowledgeable great folks here that have helped me a lot on this PD journey. I was only diagnosed last summer but just as you I had been searching for answer for years. I too am doing well on my medication (Sinemet and Azilect) however I still have major fatigue that has not improved with the meds.
Hi Heather
If you want a meaningful challenge Maybe this would interest you!
The Ambassador Project - Machu piccu 2017 There is a facebook page and this video link. Plus google will direct you to other pages.
Amazing, beautiful, courageous, inspiring! Did you participate in any of that?
Its later this year and im not going, ive beem there and im not fit enough to enjoy it. Its open for everyone so spread the word, and consider going yourself! there are a few places left but not many!
Here is the fb psge and link to a blog by a group going on it. The last walk / climb was in Sicily about 18 months ago.
Wouldnt it be great to go though!
Tell us more about the mud races! That sounds interesting. I was about the same age you were when I was first diagnosed and that was 13 yrs ago. I'm a part of Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) a non-contact boxing program strictly for PD that was started 10 yrs ago. Check it out sometime.
You'll find my testimonial under Debbie (purple shirt)
I am 46 yrs dx 11yrs ago I've managed my pd well without excersise and poor diet until a few months ago my right foot started freezing, I guess it's a wake up call, is it too late for me to start working out? and what kind of diet should I start on? Thanks
I feel it's never too late. Rock Steady Boxing is a very good place to start exercising. Where do you live in the US? Check out rocksteadyboxing.org & see if they have one close to you. Watch some of the videos. It's a really fun place & it works. It's non-contact boxing and it's only for PwP's and it's for all levels.
As far as diet, I try to stay away from processed food, sugar, and try to limit my quantity (it's tough though). Try to drink lots of water and lots of antioxidants (vit C, blueberries, etc.
Hope this helps.