I've always had thick hair but it is very obvious that my hair is thinning rapidly now....grrrrrr! Don't know if it is meds or a symptom or old age and don't know what to do about it.
Hair Thinning?: I've always had thick hair... - Cure Parkinson's
Hair Thinning?

My eye lashes seem to be falling out rapidly as well!
I feel for you, Theresa. That is just adding insult to injury. I think I'm still doing ok with my hair. I hope so! I have enough other things going on with age and PD. Hang in there!
I wonder if you've been sick lately? My wife got really ill last year, lost a bunch of her hair (all over the house long grey hairs!) and then when it grew back in she had a funny buzz cut look on top of her old hair. Now it's long enough to get in her eyes, so here's hoping yours comes back
Yes, I am finding the same thing. It's not falling out in chunks ..... Just thinning out and lacking in body. I am only on Sinemet CR but I know I have been susceptible to my hair reacting to other medications in my life. But not like this. It is depressing!
YES! For the last year, and its awful! !!I was only diagnosed a year ago, and a not on meds yet, 49, and this has just got to stop! I am trying thyroid & progesterone meds (since 2 weeks) to see if it helps, because I know my levels have been off. Seeing a functional medicine doc for this- here's hoping! Also taking minerals for hair, like zinc, D3, etc. , for the last year, but it hasn't helped. ps- my mom,, 35 yrs older than I, diagnosed with pd last year as well, also concurs with her symptom of concerning hair loss in the last year. She is on c/l.
I have been loosing hair too. First I noticed that my eyelashes were almost all gone and then the thinning of my hair started. My lashes grew back somewhat thinner than before but the hair thing makes me crazy. Good luck with that and please post what the doctor tells you to do for it. Peaches
Hi. Hair loss is a less common minor side effect of Azilect.
My hair loss began n my early thirties. And unfortunately it's really very thin up top now. Hardly worth the comb. Been thinking about keeping the dome shaved and oiled.
Probably just old age. Are you over sixty, because that is when every indignity is dropped on us. Have you tried wearing a hat? My grandmother was almost bald and had a mustache but she was a saint and we all loved her. I have developed a grumpy PD mask on my face that scares small dogs but my grand children ignore it and make me laugh anyway. Try drinking a glass of wine before combing your hair. It will still fall out but you wont care as much.

Yes I am 68 and it is not bad enough to make me want to hide it under a hat....I hate hats on my head actually. It's just that it has always been very thick and it's obvious it is no where near as thick as it was and my hair brush is always packed with hair when I'm finished brushing. My husband and grandchildren think it's still pretty at least they say so, just another happening to talk about I guess.