Like to meet you. Yes, YOU!: Looking for... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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Like to meet you. Yes, YOU!

61 Replies

Looking for someone looking for me....I'm here. Find me!

61 Replies
12stargate profile image


This is not a dating site!

hmmmm? Are you certain? I googled "PD dating site" and this site popped up.

JEEPERS CREEPERS....What is wrong with everyone? Why does the "dating" word seem to unnerve y'all (no, I am not from the south, just didn't want to spell out you all.)--tee hee

in reply to

You need to lighten up. I am not disrespectful!

dxpxtrx....... what r u looking for? This site has typically been for people looking for information to help them deal with the multiple symptoms of PD and the ongoing confusion/clarification of medication for the disease. Your opening posting WAS creepy and somewhat disrespectful of the purpose of and this site in particular.

What do you mean ......"didn't want to spell out y'all"? Please find another site to find a date or whatever it is you are after. Please!

in reply to

can't you read? I am looking for a date. can't you understand? How was it creepy? jeepers creepers, where'd you get those peepers? Please stop reading my posts, if you find them unsettling and DO NOT tell anyone to find another site--not your place, not your business. YSSO

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to

Why was his opening statement creepy? I realize that this is a site for info on Parkinsons, and my husband and I enjoy it and it helps us a lot. But, there are people with Parkinson's that are fighting their battle alone and maybe this person, regardless if he has PD or knows someone with it is just looking for friends. I know in this crazy world we have to be cautious, but no one has to acknowledge him if they don't want to. What harm can he or she do?

I think your reply was disrespectful.

in reply to tobebo

this is way too complicated/confusing.

in reply to tobebo

OK I guess it all depends on what each of us is looking for on this site. Never before have I seen anyone submit a post like the one from dxpxtrx and found it disturbing. I will withdraw from this interaction and leave dxpxtrx to pursue his (?) quest with apologies to ANYONE who was offended by my attempt to protect a site for the purpose that I personally thought it was intended.

in reply to tobebo

Dear Tobebo, Thank you?....I think? I am female; I have PD; I have great support (I.e., family, friends); I value my most treasured asset which is a sense of humor. I am baffled that anyone would refer to me as creepy. And, I am honest and confused by those who seem to be offended because I've expressed an interest in dating.

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to

Hi dxpxtrx! No Thank you needed! I just think that these people who were offended jumped the gun a bit!! It is good to meet you. My husband was diagnosed with PD almost 3 years ago. This is a good site to get some answers to some questions or problems we may be having or just a difference of opinion. I also think it is a great place to find friends and have someone to talk to. So, I hope that you will stay around and see what you can learn from others here. There is another site that you may be familiar with called I have made friends from all over the world there and really enjoy that site so if you aren't already familiar with it, check it out. Good luck in your search for a companion, date. I'm looking forward to talking with you any time!

A bit harsh... Wasn't there fault.. It does come up as a dating site if you Google what this person did...!! It made me chuckle anyway...!!

Okay....I will remove myself. Not my intention to offend anyone.

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to

Hope you don't!!

grower profile image

Now I'd imagine if you had PD and wanted to date someone it might be the right place?

in reply to grower

I not only had it, I still have it. I try to not dwell on it, try to enjoy beautiful life, Remind myself that there are far worse ailments. What can I say? I CRAVE physical/emotional intimacy. Is that bad. NO!

grower profile image
grower in reply to

You go for it. Good luck.

vivalavida profile image

Enjoy life to the fullest and good luck on your search to find someone to enjoy it with.

Your post did not offend me in the least.

Relationships and connection with people are as important in healing and wellbeing.

in reply to vivalavida

What a wonderful attitude/outlook on life. Thank you! I agree with you wholeheartedly. When it was brought to my attention that this is not a dating site, I was going to gracefully (well, that may not be the correct word) exit. ...but I think I'll stick around--having too much fun chatting with folks like you and annoying others.😄

tobebo profile image

I agree with Gavinnance! Hope you find what or who you are looking for and the happiness that goes with it!

in reply to tobebo

thank you

willyjan1 profile image

Have you got Parkinson.

in reply to willyjan1

yes, diagnosed June 15, 2007

I was diagnosed the same day

in reply to

that's interesting. how are you doing now? My Parker (since I seem to be stuck with PD, I decided he should have a nickname) can be annoying at times, but there are far worse diagnoses.

in reply to

Doing fairly well right now. I've been participating in "Rock Steady Boxing" since January....its a 1 1/2 hour workout 3 days a week. My balance, steadiness, ease of movement/range of motion have improved greatly. My energy level is up, my body fat is down, and I am sleeping better. I agree that there are far worse diagnoses...just thankful for life anyway

in reply to

That's wonderful, Marty. Ain't life grand? If I were a dater, If you were available, if we were geographically closer (where are you?), I would take you out and .....................................................treat you to an ice cream cone. What is your favorite flavor? Mine is vanilla. yum

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply to Chocolate is much better

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply to

Vanilla ice cream ?

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply to

Marty I just read the end of this post. A 70ish Parkie that doesn't mind being put in to a box and shipped, you will never survive. Think of your health. 😍😘😑

in reply to Serenity_finaly-1


This is what happened: I think Marty was on the verge of asking me for a date (or at least to share a hammock with him), and I spoiled it. You seem like an intelligent guy, Hal, so may I ask your opinion? “Yes,” you say. “Thank you,” I reply.

Marty sent to me: “My kind of woman. Let the wind blow.”

To which, I responded with: “My kind of man. Let the lies flow.”

THEN, …. There’s more. I tried to undo/unwrite/unsay those words. I guess I overcompensated a bit (a lot). Poor Marty, he claimed to be a tough guy, but I think I scared him.

THEN,…. just a little more. I suggested that we move on, and he ran away. Boohoo boohoo 😰

…your thoughts, please?


TheresaCurley profile image

Why don't you stick around dxpxtrx. You might not find anyone to date but it's a great place to exchange experiences and PD information. Seems like we are making a big deal over what was the search engines error.

Tell us about yourself a little.

in reply to TheresaCurley

what would you like to know?

First off are you a X,X or a X,Y and then are you looking for an X,X or a X,Y?

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply to Serenity_finaly-1

Sorry in this day and age. Are you a X,X who self identifies as a X,X or a X,Y. Looking for a X,Y who self identifies,......

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply to Serenity_finaly-1

Which bathroom do you use and are the people in there upset that you are there ?

in reply to Serenity_finaly-1

good grief. thanks to you, I have developed a fear of public restrooms!

Enidah profile image
Enidah in reply to Serenity_finaly-1


in reply to Serenity_finaly-1

chromosomes or kisses and hugs? I am one female looking for one male and lots of kisses and hugs.

junebug56 profile image

Find another site..this one is for people looking for legitimate information about living a better life with PD. I believe all of us with PD would like to have friends to share our experiences but "date" is not an appropriate word for this forum.

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to junebug56

Are you kidding me!!!!!! Why can't this site include people meeting each other to also get together if that is possible. They have PD, they aren't dead!!!!!! No mater if you find someone to share like with here or maybe a couple making friends with another couple and are close enough to get together for coffee and discuss PD instead of on this site, why wouldn't that be okay?? I think you junebug56 need an attitude check!

in reply to junebug56


Remember me (dxpxtrx)? Honestly, I thought this was a dating site; you informed me that it is not! Well …. Let me share my experience with you. I began communicating with a great gentleman on health unlocked. In fact, we seemed to be developing a strong, mutual attraction. In an attempt to learn more about him, I began reading his earlier posts. This led me to the realization that I was wrong. He is NOT great, and he’s certainly not a gentleman. What he is IS married. Why am I sharing this with you? … not sure … maybe to let you know I got what you might think I deserve.


Excuse me ... do you own this site? "'date' is not a proper word for this forum."--again, I ask, are you the owner of this site? Do you have a list of proper and improper words? If so, I'd like to see those lists. If my posts are not to your liking, don't read them!

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to

Do not let anyone intimidate you into leaving this site. This is for everyone !!

jumbuc profile image


enjoysalud profile image

dxpxtrx, thank you.....I have gotten such chuckles over the dialogue exchange. I am the 75 year old mom/caretaker of a son who has PD. I have read sharing on this site of PDs who miss not having a relationship, of married people fearing that their marriage might end because of the negatives of their PD. I think my son misses not having a girlfriend. How delightful and clever of you to put out a dating offer I think it would be helpful if you had at least listed the city/town that you are located. People who write into this site live all over the world. I was thinking that if someone were interested in following thro they could reply to you in a private note. I found out that one can exchange private notes with another and therefore protect one's privacy. Thanks again for bringing humor into my morning. Sometimes "things" get too serious!!! Here's to love, friendship, and romance!!!

tobebo profile image
tobebo in reply to enjoysalud

Amen to that enjoysalud!! What's wrong with having some fun on this site. If my husband and I didn't laugh at some of the things that make our life different now with PD, we would be crying all the time!!! This is like a breath of fresh air!!!!!!

in reply to enjoysalud

Enjoysalud, your son must feel fortunate to have you in his corner. I have two sons with whom mutual adoration is shared. Lost my dad in 2001 and my only sibling (a brother) in 2010. My 89-year-old mother is a force to be reckoned with. She amazes me daily. She has collected and retained so much knowledge thru life experiences. Here is a recent example. We were making nachos for the family. The lid on the jar of salsa was on so tightly, neither of us could get it to budge. The next thing I know, Mom is digging around in her "tool box." She produces a small nail and a hammer, places the nail in the center of the lid and with the hammer, she gently tap, tap, taps the nail. Immediately, a hiss and a pop from the container let her know that her little trick worked. Flabbergasted, I asked her how she knew that performing this little procedure would successfully loosen the jar lid. Matter of factly, she informed me that when pressure is released, something's gotta give. Then, she added, "EVERYbody knows that!" I'm thinking, " no, mom, not everyone."

enjoysalud profile image
enjoysalud in reply to

HI dxpxtrx, how nice that you shared with me/us more about yourself. I lost my dad in 2010. He was 91, almost 92. I miss him every day. He was a WW2 vet, army air corp (stationed outside of London), very active in the civil rights movement, and an encyclopedia of knowlege. My mom passed on in 2002, but had gone into partial dementia several years before. I have one sister who lives in Austin, Texas. She is 8 years younger than me. My son lives close by. My daughter in Portland, Oregon.

The generation of my parents were very private. Looking back I think my dad had PD. He never told me (if he knew). He was in his mid-fifties when he retired from the motion picture industry. My mom was not happy about his early retirement. He was head of the Still Lab and said the chemicals were getting to him. I remember his back going out all the time and he seeing a chiropractor frequently. His neck was stiff and he could not turn it. By PD, he did all the "right" things. He drank tons of coffee, he rode his bike about 4 hours a day (in his youth he delivered telegrams for western union). His MD had him on all the supplements one reads are good for PD, but he was NEVER on prescriptions for PD. A year before he passed I found out he had DOUBLE VISION. Well, need to pick up my son. We have massage appointments....he full body oil and me foot. Have a great weekend.

familyman profile image

Hello! Welcome to the site ☺ please dont be put off by the "site police" or critical parents! Control freakery and intollerence are alive and well in the places you would least expect. Good luck with your search.....

in reply to familyman

ahhh, it's okay. they're just expressing their wrong opinions. ooooops, here comes more trouble.🤓

enjoysalud profile image

dxpxtrx, gosh, just read your bio............good for you, born in the 1940s. That's my generation, WW 2 and all. Hope to read more about your quest. I think we need more levity on this site or maybe not "we", but me.

Enidah profile image

This has been so much fun to read... All the variety of replies. From the funny, HAL 9000 cracked me up as usual, to the loving, to the censorious. We don't talk about dating or sexuality on this site but we are all those people in need of other people and kindness and affection. We are not dead yet. My oldest daughter actually met her husband on a non dating site, a support site like this one, so I guess it happens. I myself think dating sounds an awful lot like multitasking and Lord knows I am way beyond that. Haha

in reply to Enidah

oooops. I may have misrepresented myself. The thought of "dating" repulses me. First dates are like interviews...yuck! What I am really in search of is instant chemistry. I know you know what I mean, so don't act coy.😏 Okay, here goes...probably going to rattle some cages, but I like a lot of meaningful lust.

Enidah profile image
Enidah in reply to

Hahahahaha, you go girl! I can only wish you the absolute best of luck! Good for you!

Astra7 profile image
Astra7 in reply to

Sounds like you have a lot more energy than me!

Good luck - hope you find a friend - with or without benefits.

in reply to Astra7

and I hope you find more energy and lots of giggles throughout each and every day. why? because you are special!

Good morning, everyone! Much to some people's chagrin and while others will chortle (chagrin and chortle are a couple of my favorite words--hope they're considered "proper" words for this site), I have decided to stick around, and not just because I am still in search of a date. I am thrilled to be a part of this "community" which seems to be filled with caring, intelligent, concerned, and most importantly, fun people. I promise to do my best to not offend too many (I suppose there will be a few who will categorize me as obnoxious...but, oh well.)

enjoysalud profile image

dxpxtrx, I am in Los Angeles. It is 5:12AM. I am up to go for my 4 mile morning walk (been doing this for 40+ years) and I see that you have already posted 2 hours ago!!!!.. Geographically speaking, where are you located.....where do you live? Don't want to put you in a geographic box, but VERY curious.

Glad you are sticking around.

in reply to enjoysalud

I am in Illinois. I'm not opposed to being boxed, IF holes are punched so I can get air and peek out. ..... and, hopefully, the box will be large enough for two, just in case I find my "date."

junebug56 profile image

I think I said we all need friends. Perhaps the word date has other meanings for other people...My opinion was not meant to offend.

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