I find that any time I get even a little upset my symptoms get so much worse even though I'm on medication. I can't watch any political anything without shaking.
Can't handle controversy any more. - Cure Parkinson's
Can't handle controversy any more.

Hello TheresaCurley
What meds are you taking i think one i was on caused me to have the same problem. I took myself off it and now i don't have the problem.
No it's definitely not the meds, it's the PD. Before I was on any PD meds it was ten times worse. I'm on carb/levo 25/100 3 times a day.
I just read you bio and i am so sorry for your loss of your baby. My kids are 40 and 43 and i still refer to them as my babies. Almost lost my girl to breast cancer so i can feel your pain.
Me too. Yesterday I had an arguement at work and I shook for hours afterwards and still feel upset today. Not normal for me.
Mind you US politics must be stressful for you all!!
Are you taking azilect?
I take Zoloft and Trazodone for depression. They work fine as long as I'm not witness to or involved in any confrontations. I know what you mean by it lasting, the same with me. I can't shake off the tension and shaking for awhile after it starts.
I was taking azilect and requip stopped taking both now i handle stress just fine. I don't fixate on things now. I take only rytary now.
How are your symptoms?
Why were you able to stop those meds and be able to handle stress without them? Did you add extta exercise or meditation or do something different?
Yes, I also find I can't shake off conflict or anything that could be upsetting in the family that I might have caused. I have to set things right. I am very careful now and am a much kinder more loving person, I think, than I used to be. Things don't roll off me anymore. And a lot of what I used to read or watch I won't now. Without the power of dopamine I think we are much more fragile and vullnerable.
Similar, careful what I watch at the movies as I find I can't handle violence pain etc., anxiety is is also know to be a common problem for us
I start crying for nothing.
I have to accept it but I am feed up over myself.Perhaps I am depressed ?
Me too cant handle stressing situations.
Might be the reason why I have ended up alone without friends.
all the best to all of you
You sound quite depressed. Maybe you should discuss with your dr as you don't want to feel like that.
Hope you feel better soon.
My doctor said that depression is a symptom of Parkinson's. You do sound like you are depressed. My son and I had an argument last March about his kids and it so upset me I fell into a very deep depression. We resolved the argument quickly but the effects of it did not get resolved in my body. I was depressed for months and was contemplating suicide because I just didn't want to live in that state of mind. I kept going to the doctor and he was not able to help me. He kept increasing my anti-depressant but it wasn't working. Slow but sure it lifted. When I started on the carb/levo the depression went away and I am now very slowly reducing my anti-depressants a bit...totally with doctor's supervision. My doc said there is a synergistic affect with the dopamine and serotonin....each need the other and lack of dopamine makes it much harder for the serotonin to work. At least that is my understanding.
sounds like nerves. had no idea pd had this effect....i'm very "political", best restain myself here. research nutrition fot nerves?
Same situation for me with emotions and tremor. I found the meds control it most of the time. Sinemet now 4 times per day, 2 tabs each time.
TV shows and movies stress me.
dear @Theresa, welcomr to the club, what has been going on for way to long a time, like the last 20 months, is enough to make anybody shake. even without PDR. they are driving us to the brink. i think there ought to be sued for all the stress that they have put us under. especially flip-flop trump. i don't know how his family can even stand living with him. hopefully soon it will be over, depending on which dummy we get in . if trump gets in, we might really have a reason to shake or lose our minds, which ever comes first.
AMEN. love you Theresa, judam9.
Who are "they" ? why do you care? none of it should affect your well being , stop worrying about it. There have been bad Presidents in the past and there are checks and balances to handle it . The Presidents quickly find that they have very limited power. Look at the list of Presidents who only served one term and what effect they had , people you do not hear about much, just like Trump in time, forgotten.
Husband does that to when he gets upset.
I'm a history and political buff. I watch the news while riding my recumbent stationary bike. Exercise helps,being careful what you watch and I find prayer hopeful and helpful!
I saw an article that Alice Cooper was throwing his hat in the ring, his platform, a troubled man for troubled times, I thought , I could vote for him. LOL
My husband's PD meds seem to wear off instantly as soon as he experiences stress or anxiety. I do my best to gently talk him back to feeling safe and secure, pointing out that his meds always kick back in eventually. I agree with park_bear - meditation is extremely helpful to us both.
My Grandmother (who by the way was a saint) 50 years ago , had a great deal of difficulty differentiating between situations on television shows and reality. She would complain about the behavior of people on the soap operas and worried about them. She did not take any distance or geography into consideration so a typhoid epidemic in Mexico or a child abduction in Buffalo caused great fear and anxiety. When she stopped watching the soaps and eliminated the news both newspaper and television , she calmed down and became much happier.
I have said often that happiness is a state of mind, and you can be happy if you have a mind to. One must isolate themselves from negative influences and surround yourself in things / people / places / etc that make you happy . A quiet safe private place in a backyard or a sun-room or a park or wood that you can relax in . You do not have to suffer the idiots or the nasty, just walk away from them, and enjoy time with friends.
You make your own situation and you can control it. Tell your friends and family, what you have told us. Make your life easier and make yourself happy. There will be bad days. That is the way it is, sometimes you will have to cancel or disappoint but good friends will understand. Stress causes PD symptoms and PD symptoms cause stress. You must beak the chain.
Thank you @GymBag for your comments, and you are right on all counts. just walk away from the stress built up from the political situations that drives every body nuts. karma will handle them in time. but i have been walking away from them. like un-subscribing to all of them, and stop messing up my e-mail connections. by giving me one a minute. some take more then 1 , 2 or 5 convictions. but i'm working on it. maybe by nov, i will have gotten rid of all. until the next batch comes along.
at any rate, Thank You again. it sure was worth the read.
love, judam9
Me too, only it's more financial and personal business matters that fill my stomach with bumblebees. Political things take my mind off my troubles, ha! When I'm by myself and sitting down, sometimes the tremor will totally subside. But talking to people face to face is the real trigger. My arm acts like a geiger counter in a field of uranium!
No one seems to have the time to listen to me while I search for the correct word, so I do not have to give an opinion any more.
There went a bunch of stress, my wife decides now and usually finishes the conversations for me.
Sometimes if I am fortunate she lets me know what the problem / decision was and I pretend to care. A while ago this would have upset me but she is doing very well and I having come to accept it , and I feel much better now thankyou. Who knew
Hi TheresaCurley. Yes! Stress is not good for Pd. Tr to avoid stress at all costs. Find out what causes you stress on a daily basis and try to resolve you differeces. When people learn that whatever it is that comes between you is causing you serious medical problems, you may well find that they are onlt too happy to talk these things through and overcome your difficulties.
Maybe you might fid that you have to adjust the way you thnk and do things, which don't fit into other people's norms. Make choices and do somethng to make your life easier.