Does anyone out there in PD land get pins and needles in hands????
pins and needles and PD: Does anyone out... - Cure Parkinson's
pins and needles and PD

Yes. My dyskinesia, i.e. the clenching of my left hand, which is the hand on my more affected side, has caused carpal tunnel syndrome., causing pins and needles in that hand. It is a relatively straight forward diagnosis by either your neurologist or a physiotherapist. I wear a brace on my wrist and hand and it helps a lot. My physiotherapist also gave me some simple exercises that help. There are surgical solutions as well.
I am not saying CTS is what you have! I think it's time to have it checked out, tho.
I am 3 weeks on CD/LD. Every night, about an hour before bedtime, my feet and legs get the pins and needles that you mentioned. Fortunately, the pins go away when I go to bed.
Thank you for that , I see neurologist in April but might give him a call tomorrow.
Thank you so much for that Ive only known about my PD since late 2014. Been a bit hard to keep up with it as I still am working in my own business ( hopefully for a while yet ) and my husband had his second heart attack just after I was diagnosed two days befoe christmas 2014. Have had a heap of other things happening that have taken my time away from my own condition. I am very much an optomist so to quote what my dad always used to say ... Always be thankful forwhat youve got , theres always someone worse off than you.... Thats what keeps me going...... Thanks heaps
I have been getting pins & needles in my hands & feet for years. What I find more troubling is the feeling that my legs are in a vice. This comes whenever I am stressed & it is particularly distracting when I am speaking to a group of people.
I have no idea what to do to relieve it.
I get pins and needles every morning as I awaken. I just move my feet, lift legs, toe, heel, toe, heel movement and it disappears. It doesn't cause any real problems.
I have a very good chiropractor who adjusts me every three weeks or so. Keeping the spine healthy when you walk crooked is important. Might be helpful for you. Good morning to all!
My GP suggested to enjoy a glass of tonic. It helps me.
in my feet off and on all the time. More when meds are waning. Notice it mainly at bed time.
Hands fell cold when meds not working but may or may not be cold to the touch.

Very close to my own syndrome. Pins &needles in my toes was one of my very first symptoms, and it still effects me as my meds wear off.
All the's become a part of my life... I feel it more in my legs, feet and base of my spine. Sometimes it becomes apparent in my fingers on a bad day
No, but legs. My neuro says low iron is often the culprit. I'm now taking an iron supplement three times a day.
No but intense. Itching back.
Please look into the condition known as thoracic outlet syndrome. cervical disc injury, Reynauds disease. There is so much info out there regarding TOS.
I hope you will find the answer soon. When you are in bed, do you find, when you are lying on the side of your body. do you put your hand under your cheek? That does not help.
Pins and needles come from many different causes but one of the chief sinners is GLUTEN which is found in wheat ,other flours and almost everything you use in daily life including lipstick, the glue on envelopes and stamps etc etc
I get it in my toes. I have learned that it is my early warning system that my meds are about to wear off and I am about to enter Dystopia hell with full body spasms.