As an antidote to constipation, prunes are already of interest to those with PD. Now there is another benefit coming to light: strengthening our bones.
You probably know that a tendency to thinning bones ("Parkinson's disease: A risk factor for osteoporosis." and to balance problems (hence falls) are a double whammy for PwPs, nudging them towards an early grave. These two symptoms make one more prone to fractures, and hip fractures in particular, which are especially lethal. The balance problems may be helped by exercise. What about the osteopenia and the osteoporosis? Prunes are coming to the rescue! Recently published research shows that eating just 5-6 prunes per day may not merely slow bone loss, but actually has the ability--unique among the fruits that have been studied--to restore bones, building up their mineral density. (non-technical) (journal articles)