I recently asked if anyone else had noticed alcohol reduced tremors, and 3 others said yes (rhyspeace, becky, rons). Has anyone else noticed this effect? Has anyone else tried to check it and noticed that it did NOT have an effect?
I tried testing with glucose, but the effect did not seem as strong, but I have not finished testing. Half a glass of wine is enough for me to see the effect, but 1 glass of wine (150 ml, 2/3 cup) is better, and 2 glasses is kind of nice. It also seems to help my mood. To see if sugar has as large an effect, it requires 26 grams (7 level teaspoons) to be comparable to a glass of wine, a little more than half a 16 ounce soda.
Has anyone notice a reduction in tremors after a large soda?
I'm curious if it's a diabetic-like effect (insulin insensitivity, syndrome x) or if alcohol is assisting the impaired cells by a different mechanism. Does it get into the cells more easily? Does alcohol not need the mal-functioning complex 1 in the mitochondria of the injured cells whereas sugar needs complex 1 in order to be turned into ATP energy?
In looking at genetic disorders that have complex 1 not functioning, alcoholism is very common. This indicates that alcohol helps their condition, but I have not been able to confirm it. Alcohol is associated with decreased incidence of PD, especially beer, which increases uric acid which is also associated with decreased incidence of PD. So a beer a day, or maybe once in the morning and one at night, might be a good idea. Once every 4 hours might show short term benefit, but very likely not long term benefit.
PD patients are well-known to be "serious" personality types for most of their life. So it is possibly no coincidence that cigarrattes, coffee, alcohol, gluttony (uric acid diet leading to gout) and weed all help prevent PD. But as one researcher said, whatever is causing the serious personality might be the cause of PD, not necessarily that avoid fun stuff is what caused their PD.