Rytary: Started rytary today. Each dose... - Cure Parkinson's

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michaela13 profile image
76 Replies

Started rytary today. Each dose lasted at least 5 hours. I think it's going to really help.

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michaela13 profile image
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76 Replies
Roseyuk profile image

Hi can you tell me what rytery is for. My husband has Parkinson's..

But without major tremor. But has deteriorated so much in last six months.

Thanks micheala..

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Roseyuk


ngary profile image
ngary in reply to Roseyuk

Hi Micheala! Rytary is Levodopa and Carbidopa in a slow release capsule. The hope is that a PWP will not have an "off" time if the medicine is taken 8 or less hours apart. Hope that helps.

Karen3 profile image
Karen3 in reply to Roseyuk

Rytary is a time release form of sinemet that was approved by the FDA in February 2015

yitzbendovid profile image

Is it available on NHS prescription yet?

yitzbendovid profile image

is it available on NHS prescription yet?

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to yitzbendovid

I don't know

cabbagecottage profile image

Is it suitable for more advanced Parkinsons

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to cabbagecottage

I don't know

lind-ane profile image
lind-ane in reply to cabbagecottage

It is made in several strengths.

bartogirl profile image

Are you taking it with any other pd drugs and are you in US or UK?

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to bartogirl

USA. yes some other drugs but not dinemet

yitzbendovid profile image
yitzbendovid in reply to bartogirl

Azilect, Pramepaxol, Madopar dispersable, Sinamet CD, Stalevo

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to bartogirl

USA and yes other pd drugs

Beemacs profile image

I started Rytary in mid March & I am still working on getting the dosage right. I've been adding 1/2 tablet 25/100 mg Sinemet at times when I can hardly move. I've been really suffering with dyskinesia that lasts several hours after I get out of bed.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

I hate dyskinesia So far I don't have much

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

I didn't know you could add a little bit of sinemet- My Neuro is scary. I have another Neuro but 4 hrs away.

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to Schells

when you say dyskinesia does it affect mouths jaw tongue ??

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to Schells

Or is that dystonia . My husband is more advanced but they are trying mess for dementia to help him process his thought easier . It's a minefield knowing why and what

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

I never had festination until rytary. Thats the little small steps then you fall on your asss. You have no control and don't know when it will happen, Broke my finger falling also

junebug56 profile image

I have had PD for 25 years and been on Rytary for 2 weeks and it definitely

has not been able to do what was expected...my dosage is 4 Rytary 23.75-95 4-5 times daily. So best of luck that it works for you. Check out the Rytary web site to learn about how it works and possible side effetcs. It says on the site that the drug only stays in your body 4-5 hours.Let us know how you do.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to junebug56


Schells profile image
Schells in reply to junebug56


Beemacs profile image
Beemacs in reply to junebug56

I was told to take 3 Rytary 23.75-95 3 x a day but I changed it to 2 four x a day. I was really hoping it would be the answer to my prayer but it hasn't been. I still have freezing & a lot of dyskinesia. I think I am having more on times & I am still working on it.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

I HATE the freezing

Beemacs profile image
Beemacs in reply to Schells

I don't know which I HATE more--the freezing or the dyskinesia!!! It's a toss up. As for being a mathematician, I am definitely NOT!

Yesterday I had dyskinesia, now today I haven't been able to move 80% of the day.

michaela13 profile image
michaela13 in reply to Beemacs

Do you think it's what we're eating that's affecting it? I think it has a lot do with it. My neuro said eating is okay, but i don't know. And i need to eat everything because my weight is so low. I lost 30 pounds. It's so difficult trying to juggle all of this, isn't it? Anyone else have suggestions who is also on rytary?

chirodoc profile image
chirodoc in reply to michaela13

I am suppopsed to start Rytary but I have such terrible OFF symptoms I don't understand what I can do when the Rytary wears off and they only have me taking 1 pill in the AM. I have lost 22 lbs. Now weigh

103lbs. Sinemet gives me abdominal spams really bad when wares off.

michaela13 profile image
michaela13 in reply to chirodoc

I am down to 100 pounds from 139 pounds. I am convinced it's the sinemet, so what can I do? I wish I could get off it, but can't walk without it.

Donzim profile image
Donzim in reply to junebug56

61.25/245 3x daily has worked very well for us. We get good coverage and limited the breakthroughs of nausea (accompanied by immobility) most of the time. If my husband transgresses and eats what he shouldn't or lays down or bends over after eating (triggering reflux) or engages in compulsive behavior, he will have a breakthrough but it doesn't last as long as before Rytary.

PDTrucker profile image
PDTrucker in reply to junebug56

Sounds too low of a dose.

etterus profile image

I have a free example from my local neuro but the DBS programming is still fresh and in process so we have decoded to wait a while to eliminate any confusions.

billk profile image

The last time I was at my doctor he had never heard of rotary.

Schells profile image

I began Rytary a couple weeks ago. Getting rid of sinemet was difficult. I'm not sure I have the right dosage of Rytary. Do you think this drug is safe?

tessielala profile image
tessielala in reply to Schells

It has been tested I'm sure, so it should be safe.

michaela13 profile image

Beemacs, I tend to agree with you. Not sure its all hyped up to be. Today I ate around noon and it didn't work at allk.all.I was off for about 3 hours and didn't know if I could take anything else. That was very tough. The next dose lasted 6 hours. Very inconsistent.

Beemacs profile image
Beemacs in reply to michaela13

Isn't it the pits that this PD is so hard to figure out? I can take the same meds and one day I won't move at all but on another day I'll move too much! I still take 1/2 Sinemet when I can't move. I am determined to make it work!

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

How can we be expected to be math wiz s with rytary?

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to Beemacs

My freezing and falling just beginning and I have been on sinemet for 5 years with little trouble

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to michaela13

Yes Rytary is very inconsistent

Donzim profile image
Donzim in reply to Schells

We have not found it so. I would suggest it is your system rather than the Rytary.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to michaela13

I am goin crazy on rytary. so confused and neuro won't let me quit yet. any successes ou there?

Beemacs profile image
Beemacs in reply to Schells

Have you asked your neuro about taking it differenty like a different dose or more or less often? I didn't ask mine because I don't think she knows about it. She said the 1st women she gave it to didn't like it & she quit. I'm her 2nd patient. As far as a success, it certainly not working like I was hoping it would. Yesterday, I took 2 23.75-95 at 7:30 am & I was still moving 5 1/2 hours later! The day before, I couldn't move at all. This morning, I took 2 & I['ve had dyskinesia all morning. I really hope flyingfoxone is right!

chirodoc profile image
chirodoc in reply to Schells

what happens with your symptoms after your Rytary dose?

Donzim profile image
Donzim in reply to michaela13

I don't know the effect of protein on Rytary but would assume it would be the same as on other dopa drugs. There are three amino acids in protein which inactivate dopa so timing is tricky, particularly with an ER because one is constantly getting a supply of dopa. Maybe Rytary is dissolved in a different place in the gut because we haven't had the protein problem on it.

Donzim profile image
Donzim in reply to Donzim

At doc's suggestion , Also tried whey protein drink as the protein is at least partially digestion. It did not seem to interfere with the dopa.

ninaj profile image
ninaj in reply to michaela13

I just quit rytary. It was too inconsistent for me. I was on it for a month, calling dr. many times trying to get the right combination, got up to 5 pills 4 xday. Just could not cope all the sudden being off. I hope others have better luck than I did. I was in the clinical trial and it worked good, I just don,t understand.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to ninaj

Hi- thanks for the info on Rytary. I dont know whether to keep on it or go back to sinemet. Neuro no help- getting second opinion but that's not until June 22. How much sinemet did you take before rytary. Was Neuro supportive? Did you have festinating gait on rytary (small steps the fall)

Thx - awaiting your reply

nina3 profile image
nina3 in reply to Schells

Sorry that I haven't got back with you, I am on 25/100-2tablets - 5times @day. Comtan 5 times a day. I have the gait problem when I am off. My neurologist was good about working with me trying to get the right combination , she changed my dosage several times ,but she wanted me to give it a chance to work and I really wanted it to work. Maybe it will work for you, I know its worked for several others. My neurologist has mentioned DBS but that scares me. Good luck . Its so hard to make these decisions

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to nina3

DBS is scary. I'm waiting until they get that pacemaker thing smaller and they don't shave your head and they do it while you are asleep! I've been on Rytary one month. Cant say that I like it or dislike it. I think its helping. It was a real bitch going cold turkey from four sinemet to nine rytary. I think that was wrong.

Hope this helps.

flyingfoxone profile image

Stick with it. My husband has been on Rytary for almost two months now and it is working well. Yes there are a couple of times when it does not seem to work (just like the old C/L) but all in all much more 'on' time. It seems to take a few weeks to get into the rhythm and adjusting dosages until you find what works best for you. It seems to work best if you take it an hour before and after eating. Usually the 'on' time is 4-5 hours so it's not too hard to work in the meals. You can have an apple or something 'snacky' but a full meal within an hour either side seems to make it not work. Good luck!

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

thx for positive reply - I needed that so much

flyingfoxone profile image
flyingfoxone in reply to Schells

You are so welcome! My husband had a GREAT day yesterday and then last night was bad but today is another day and he is now having another good start. I know the pills can be confusing; he seems to do better when he has three of a lower dose than two of the larger ones. don't know why the manufacturer didn't make them 100s rather than ending in fives..it would be much easier but still it is giving more 'on' time and that means more sleep time at night too. One other thing we found is that vitamins/tums etc. seem to have an effect so we wait until two hours after he has taken his rytary before he takes vitamins, etc. We are in Orange County, California...where are you?

Here's hoping you have a good day!

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

Thanks again for the info. I live in West Texas

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

I am also getting some annoying wiggling-don't want it to turn into full blown dyskinesia. Have you noticed a change? Thanks

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

Rytary has given me festination of gait and for half a day I can't walk. I am super active and necver had this on sinemet. I have no dyskinesia--or very little. Neuro won't listen and said rytary won't work as I am too anxious. Thanks for the reply

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

Thanks for the info - it helped me alot

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

How's it going now?

Tiger101 profile image
Tiger101 in reply to flyingfoxone

Hi, trying to figure out what are the symptoms/feelings he has before his rytary and after?

michaela13 profile image

Thanks for the info. Does your husband also take it at night? I still need something for the night time.I

flyingfoxone profile image
flyingfoxone in reply to michaela13

My husband's schedule is 5AM (3/95s)...9AM (3/95s)...1PM (2/95s & 1/145)...5PM (3/95s)..11PM (2/95s). A full dose at bedtime keeps him awake...

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to flyingfoxone

How do you remember these numbers - you are awesome

michaela13 profile image

Beemacs, do you think it's okay to take sinemet with the rytary if the rytary isn't working? I got frustrated and took another rytary.i figured it was okay cause it still didn't work after 3 hours. Then the last dose went for 6 hours.

Schells profile image

I don't know this program well - can you email me? I started Rytary and an very confused. Neuros (one is nice other a meanie) are of little help. Thx It's poynor@suddenlink.net Thanks again

Donzim profile image

Get another doctor. And get an alternative doc as well who knows how to support your health thru supplements, avoidance of foods to which you are sensitive and checking stool samples for bacteria and yeast infections. Too many docs don't do this side of medicine and only pay attention to their own speciality. You must keep your body running at top speed to offset the PD symptoms as much as possible. There are dozens of things which will contribute to that.

Schells profile image


How much sinemet were you taking before you tried rytry. Any side effects? I've been on it 3 weeks, Part of me wants to go back to sinemet

michaela13 profile image
michaela13 in reply to Schells

I was taking 4 sinemet a day, every 3 hours. But the nights were really bad. I could hardly walk. Now I'm taking 8 rytary 36/145 (2 capsules× 4 times). I do get dyskensia. The rytary lasts about 4 hours. But it's helpful at night it seems.

Schells profile image
Schells in reply to michaela13

How bad is your dyskinesia? Did you have it on sinemet? My biggest problem is festinating gait. It is where you cant help yourself by taking real small fast little steps then fall. I evan broke a finger. Thx for the help.

I have been on Rytary for 10 days. I am 41 and was diagnosed with PD 13 years ago. I was on Stalevo and my Nuero has me currently taking 3pills (3xs a day).... dosage 36.25/125 capsules. I am very frustrated. The first 2 days were great but since it has been awful. I have a lot of freezing and "off" periods and the tremors that had gotten some control over are returning. I was to the point that Stalevo wasnt working anymore and I was taking it every 3 hrs day and night. The Rytary when it works lasts about 5 hrs, other days I am stiff and frozen all day. My Dystonia attacks have improved and I am able to sleep a little better but I have smaller muscle spasms often that burn and I have been unable to figure out a dosage schedule that works.

My Neuro is not any help and I live in a small area where there aren't alot of choices as far as Dr's go. He has pretty much given up on me and says my condition is frustrating. He should try living with PD/Dystonia. I feel alone trying to cope and cry daily. Maybe I should go back to Sinemet 50/200 CR. or hang in there w/ Rytary.

It is hard to not give up when your Nuero has. Food and stress greatly reduce Rytary effectiveness. I think I need a higher dose but Nuero says its unsafe. I have no hallicinations, etc. Any ideas?

Mollyjane11 profile image

Is it very expensive?

arthur84 profile image

michaela13 How fortunate you are. what are your meds? Do you have other health issues.? I've trird so man y dosage, started with 2 med dosage, got dykinrsia so terribly bad. then 2 of the 95{lower amount every 4 hrs. it brought on side effects, skaking, fast heart rate,fast breathing{only short breathing}burning all over, weakness, felt like a heart attack. lately I'll have those sensations, last for hrs, so assume the med isn't w0rking. Haven't been ab le to do anything. My tongue swells, I must be allergic.

Appreciate any comments, I've gone "downhill" in 2 months. I do have CLL an d Rheumatoid. Foods seem to affect me, don't know what toeat. oh yes my swallowing eating now comes along wioth this problem. Terribly painful & depressing.

thanks Arthur 8 I really enjoy this web site, 11 years of pd.

michaela13 profile image
michaela13 in reply to arthur84

Sorry it took so long to respond . I am back on sinemet 25/100 5x a day 11/2pill. Rytary did not work for me. Too inconsistent and I can't swallow capsules. I always end up with the sinemet. I do get diskinesia but I guess I have to live with that. Good luck.

PDTrucker profile image

Read all the side effects. There are tons of warnings on all PD drugs. Drowsiness, heart attacks, addictive behaviours are to name only a few. The reason we are taking these meds is because we have no choice. No drug is totally with out risks.

Tiger101 profile image

Awesome! My husband newly diagnosed was put on Rytary. Started with 36/145 1tab 3 x per day and now is on 2 tabs 3 x per day - 6 total. He has so much pain in his hips down to his feet and so much dizziness (which he even had before starting the meds) that he says he cannot tell if it is helping. Can you tell me what your feeling are before and after you take it and what makes you say it's really going to help? THANKS!

Tiger101 profile image

Sorry should have said he's been on it for about 3 weeks now.

flyingfoxone profile image

My husband took for about a year after the drug was first released in the U.S. At first it worked for him but then became unreliable and was always frustrating to decide whether to take a sinemet to help which sometimes doubled the amount and then would have dyskinesia. Tried the new drug Xadago as well but no significant difference so discontinued that in a few months and went back to the more reliable, much cheaper good old sinemet! My husband too has orthostatic hypotension from the drugs and the doctor finally gave him some midodrine which seems to help with that. The new extended release Amantadine supposed to be available in the States next year might help with the ortho/hypo. Good luck to you ... such a tricky endeavour but luckily there are a good group here to help us!

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