It wasn't any normal day.
It wasn't an ordinary day at all.
It was the day we picked a headstone for my mother's grave.
The day Parkinson's moved in.
They say It comes after a traumatic event.
Well, we had a few of those!
We didn't know that it would also come and stay to invade our home.
Oh, it came full strength!!
With It's strange names. dyskinesia and Dystonia.
What does that mean? What does that do?
Oh God.....We had no clue!!
It robbed us of all our dreams,
It robbed us of our plans.
But Parkinson's did show us something.
Our love will always stand!
It's strong! It's bound so tight!!
It will never take that from us!!
We hold each other and save each other from the strange
names and pains it brought!!
We will fight this Parkinson's and not let It win!!
For how can it conquer love???
Yes, Parkinson's came to our home that day,
but our love was always here.