Has anyone tried this exercise program? What results have you seen? I am on the waiting list to get this program at the local hospital.
LSVT Big and Loud program: Has anyone tried... - Cure Parkinson's
LSVT Big and Loud program
Hi, Soon been two years ago that I discovered LSVT BIG. Has made a world of difference in my symptoms and mobility. I practice the exercises daily....get checked out every eight weeks. by my PT. Has adapted form for those with more disability like myself. Enthusiastically. recommend.
Yes. I have gone through LSVT program. How was it? OK , but boring in the long run. I believe in exercise, exercise, but variations are important. I exercise every day. Having had the diagnosis for almost twenty years , I am still able to walk, bike and swim. Sometimes I cannot move at all, and I suffer from dyskinesia, but I try to exercise every day. Not just try, I do it. Forced exercise has helped me to deal with PD symptoms. Forced exercise is important.
LSVT is no miracle cure. You can do boxing etc and get the same results. Many institutions and physiotherapists earn a lot of money on LSVT. Forced exercise is free. Well, the important thing is to use your body and your mind
I have did this program and while it is very intense it really works, I was so happy to have my handwriting back for awhile. however if you don't stick with the routine is easy to slip backwards. My pt dept offers a free refresher coarse after 1 yr.
I discovered LSVT BIg about three years ago. I was introduced to it at a neurologicaal hospital in London. The workshop they put on was very good but there was little follow up interms of finding a coach or tutor. So I found a website and filched a few LSVT exercises from there. Later my NHS PT instructor incorporated them into a wider exercise program and I have continued with them ever since.
They are vigorous, snappy exercises that depend on balance as well as movemnt and they make me feel good just to be doing them.
I have bought a LSVT video that I use at home to do the exercises...It makes me feel better. I am on a waiting list for a class, they say maybe another month. I am hopeful it will help. Thanks for responding.
Just got a prescription for LSVT. Only problem is that there are no certified instructors within 100 miles, and I'm already driving 200 to see my neurologist.
My husband has been doing physical therapy, which not the 'real' (official) BIG program has some
of the same exercises. The PD group I lead will bring in an official LOUD person next year and he may switch. He will be doing LOUD soon and he needs it.
Well done McPam. Go for it.
I agree with all previous replies. It done my father no-end of good.