To see if I could find out, I interviewed him for my blog. Turns out his "secret" is something available to all of us -- Have a purpose (a commitment to broader life goals) that you pursue with passion. It's worked for Leon and researchers have confirmed that those who age purposely live longer and better. For more on my interview, see
Leon, the moderator of my PD support grou... - Cure Parkinson's
Leon, the moderator of my PD support group, has had Parkinson's for over 27 years. What's his secret?

So true and i feel the same way . btw I think acronym KiSS stands for "Keep It Simple Stupid" but that's New York.
Hi, I live in the DC area and would love to attend a PD support group with Leon since he seems to live in the DC area as well. How do I contact this group?
Leon moderates several PD support groups. The one I attend is at the Iona Senior Center just down the street from the Tenley red line metro at Wisc and Albemarle. Leon interviews people interested in joining one of his groups. His phone number is 202-966-4450. Email -
Leon moderates several PD support groups. The one I attend is at the Iona Senior Center just down the street from the Tenley red line metro at Wisc and Albemarle. Leon interviews people interested in joining one of his groups. His phone number is 202-966-4450. Email -
Hello Gleeson, I really enjoyed reading Leon's story - thank you for sharing, very uplifting! Since this is 2 years old it would be very nice to hear how Leon is doing nowadays?
A well-timed inquiry. A week ago I ran on the blog a guest post authored by Leon. The death of his mother at age 96 prompted these reflections by Leon on his struggles with his Parkinson's and his over-protective parents. See