Like many other PwP I seek the cause and improvement of their Parkinson's symptoms. Whilst I take Parkinson's medications and have had a degree of success as such, I am always looking for ways to reverse my symptoms preferably by nutrition. So it was to this end that I did a quick online search and found a couple of PwP who tried a candida diet and perceptibly improved their symptoms. Whilst our brains require glucose to function, many or us eat too many simple carbohydrates thus upsetting the balance in their gut flora, thus feeding any candida present.
Has any PwP earnestly tried an anti-candi... - Cure Parkinson's
Has any PwP earnestly tried an anti-candida diet and found it lessened their symptoms?

I have read about PD and Candida infections, It seems these infections can lodge in various parts of the body to cause other problems. Makes you wonder if the Candida infection gets into the brain cells to kill them off. (well it's a thought) Apparently the fungus can get into the wall of the gut to kill cells so why not the brain?
I know I have this infection because I have been treated for it in the past, and it is recurring. I have also noticed on here many with PD also have skin problems another sign of over infestation with candida. This is only what I have read and if the research is true, it makes some sense.
Coconut oil can apparently destroy the function of these Candida by destroying the outer lining of the cell. The ingredient ''Caprylic acid'' found in Coconut oil is the culprit that does the work apparently. Could that be why so many PD sufferers reckon they feel better taking coconut oil? However, we still feed the yeast bug because we keep to a diet rich in Carbohydrates. So the problem is how to control the amount of carbohydrates we eat. Which I think is difficult. (I am a bugger for sweets and cake, something which people with Candida infections crave)
The type of restricted diet stipulated i.e cautionary amounts of alcohol, bread, beans, cereals rice etc. means that it only leaves a high protein diet which to many of us can interfere with the absorption of medication. and can be expensive.
Perhaps if all PD sufferers were given a simple Candida test, it might help to realise a possible cause and cure.
Often simple solutions to problems work! If the candida infection was treated and a diet regime followed and the PD improved it would at least prove something, but would not be popular with the drug companies.
This is only what I have read, and only in various adverts. (we all know about adverts) but I wll endeavour to look to see if I can find research documentation and will post on here.

I was rather hoping for a reply such as yours which I consider well reasoned. Like you, I have eaten many sweets in my time and of course the general western diet is mostly comprised of processed food, which will only add to the problem.
I have Seborrheic dermatitis which I try and control using medicated shampoo. I have read that this can be a symptom of Candida albicans . There Are many people who claim that Candida albicans often manifests itself as other chronic health conditions and since it is considered by some that the digestive system is the second brain it seems feasible that toxins can also affect the brain.
My limited research has shown that there are several different diets that can control Candida albicans, so we can choose one that we feel suits us best.
The lack of response to my question suggests that not many PwP have considered that Candida albicans can be a factor in or as one of the possible causes of Parkinson's. Certainly, it is easier to take medication to alleviate its symptoms, but what of the long term consequences of doing so?
I feel sure that pharmaceutical companies would not support this hypothesis as there would be less profits for them.
I do hope that we get some more replies, such as yours, throwing more light on the subject.
I think what we don't realise is when we have Bacterial organisms or fungal infestation in the body as they multiply they produce toxins which circulate within the blood stream. No matter how good the Liver or immune system is at breaking down substances, these toxins must enter the brain in enormous quantities. I do believe I also read that there is a possibility that eating watercress and other raw greenery grown around water where sheep or geese are put can cause liver fluke and was also considered as a possible cause of PD.
I do not know how we may control or cure, but as I said often the simple solutions are worth looking into. When you think that antibiotics (The saviour of mankind) were produced purely by accident when a sandwich was left in a laboratory while Mr Fleming went on holiday. It makes you think
I could not agree with you more. Whenever we have been prescribed antibiotics, do you believe we should take a course of probiotics after we have finished the antibiotics to rebalance the gut flora?
I have read of a couple of cases where people's PD symptoms lessened when they were taking Fluconazole (Diflucan) then worsened when they stopped it.
I'm interested in the link between Candida and Parkinson's because I have recently discovered research which suggests that up to 20 percent of people with autism/Aspergers develop Parkinsonism with age. I am looking for common symptoms and causes. Candida is much more common in children with autism than those without, and one of the suggestions is that the infection is able to take hold because of the reduced ability of autistics to sulphate the mucus which protects the lining of the gut. A problem with sulphate metabolism has also been suggested in some people with Parkinsonism.
A large proportion of adults with high-functioning autism do not know they have it. I'm not suggesting anyone here has, but a discussion on Candida seems the most appropriate place to mention these possible links for others to find.
Dietary regimes (and also treatments like Epsom salt baths) can help alleviate some symptoms associated with autism. The Sunderland Protocol is a comprehensive review of these (including eliminating Candida) but it predates the discovery of dietary oxalates as an aggravating factor.
I myself use coconut oil and also take Oregano oil (available as capsules.) I was on long-term antibiotics a couple of years ago.
Hello Hart
Thank you for your well reasoned and informative contribution. I hope that you will share more of your insights in the future.
Hi, I've just joined and found this conversation. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's two years ago, and I am linking it to Candida. I am currently taking Candida cleanse, very diet restrictive procedure. Have any of you tried this?