Where can I buy the book by John Pepper '... - Cure Parkinson's
Where can I buy the book by John Pepper 'Reverse Parkinson's Disease' in Australia? Amazon won't post to Australia and otherwise not avail'.

Try Kindle / Amazon then the book could be downloaded instead of being sent by snail mail
OK good idea thanks Pete. I did see the kindle option but I like paper books. I will consider it again. Cheers
like Pete-1 I downloaded the book from Kindle/Amazon.
I can recommend the book . It is highly motivating and gives you much to think about.
Thank you John Pepper.
Hello vadehavet, thank you for your reply and advice as well as for your encouraging view on John's book. I have not ever used kindle before but it looks like I will have to start. Cheers have a good week.
Hello Norton,
Give John Pepper my regards. Is it possible to get in contact with him?
I was diagnosed PD 16 years ago, I was 52 years old. Theory is that my first symptoms started in 1988, however I did not bother. The progression of my PD has been slow. From the start I decided to postpone medication as long as possible and later to take as little medication as possible. Exercise has always been important to me. However in 1998 neurologists did not believe in exercise as treatment for PD. LIke John Pepper I realized that our brain needs to save energy, so very early in life many things, like movements, especially gait, are perfomed automatically. You do not have to think about it. All those movements hidden in the unconsciousness ( or whatever you call it) you have to make conscious. You have to concentrate and relearn the most elementary things like walking. It works for me. I retired 2 years ago, I take very little antiparkinson medicine, always a bit on the stiff side, I prefer that. I have a good life, am engaged in social activities, travel a lot, started painting! and if it is important, it is difficult to detect PD I am told.
Hi Bitsy. If you view my website -, reverseparkinsons.net you can buy one from me.